◖Chapter 11◗

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Author's POV~

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Author's POV~

'Oh, man holy sh*t!' V thought and chuckled nervously.

"I asked you something hyung," Jungkook said glaring at him.

"About what? I was talking with my secretary." V said unsure if Jungkook will believe him.

"Hyung you think that I am dumb like y/n? Tell me!" Jungkook spoke sassily.

"Yah! Why don't you believe me? I said that I was talking to my secretary." V said, annoyed.

"Oh, I don't think that Jackson hyung is your secretary," Jungkook spoke and V cursed mentally.

"I was just talking to him, what's wrong with it?" V asked. Jungkook stared at him and said. "Then why are you so nervous hyung?"

"I am not nervous," V said. Jungkook scoffed and came to him and stood in front of him with banana milk in his hands. V sighed and paid for banana milk and went to his car and looked around once seeing no one, he went inside and looked at Jungkook.

"Hyung you think I am like y/n. Tell me or I am going to tell Taehyung hyung, and he is going to make you spill the tea." Jungkook said glaring at him.

"Jungkook, it's nothing." V tried to convenience him. "Ok, I will tell Tae hyung—" Jungkook was cut off by Daehyung.

"No Jungkook," V said glaring deeply into Jungkook's soul. "Then tell me. I heard you were talking about not telling Tae hyung something, and until you got to know the name of some person." Jungkook said.

V sighed, he heard him. Maybe even more than he is telling. "I can't tell you Jungkook, not right now," V said softly, trying his best not to burst at him.

But he is so stubborn. "You have to tell me V hyung," Jungkook said and V sighed. "I will tell you, but promise me not to tell anyone," V said. He isn't going to tell him everything.

"Not even Taehyung hyung?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow. "No, not right now. Not until I am done with the work." V said his voice now becoming stern.

Jungkook nodded. "Ok then." He said hesitantly, if Taehyung knows it, he won't let Jungkook drink banana milk forever. "Then listen, someone killed my parents, and it was not an accident it was well-planned murder, I want to find out who did it, as soon as I will know that I will tell Taehyung hyung until then keep your mouth shut."

"..." Jungkook was getting things inside his brain, recovering what V just said. "O-ok hyung." He said after recovering. "You are not going to tell anyone. Understand?"

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