◖Chapter 30◗

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Author's POV~•••

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Author's POV~•••

Y/n and Taehyung were in the car going to Taehyung's company as he said. The ride was complete silence, y/n was sitting in the back seat while Taehyung was driving.

No one spoke a single word, enjoying the comfortable silence which is a rare moment. Taehyung took a look at y/n and he saw tears brimming her eyes he sighed, feeling a tear leave his eyes.

"Mom-dad.." He whispered and tears continued falling same goes for y/n.

Meanwhile, Jungkook stood up from his chair and looked at Daehyung. "Hyung, I will use the washroom." He announced and Daehyung nodded, watching Jungkook leave.

Once Jungkook was out, he burst out in tears, he controlled for almost an hour. Jungkook entered the restroom and locked the door behind him and looked at his reflection in the mirror and also burst out in tears.

When Junghyun reached home, he straight went to his room and changed his clothes and sat on the bed, it just took him a look at pictures of him and Kiyara to burst into tears.

All five of them were crying in different places but at the same time. Taehyung and y/n wiped their tears as they reached the company.

Taehyung parked the car and went out putting a blank face. His heart was bleeding like hell, it was all too much to digest for him, for anyone.

"Tae?" Y/n called out in a soft voice. "Hm?" He replied shortly.

"Tae, look at me." She demanded and Taehyung turned to her and she was met with her red puffy eyes.

"Aww baby" Taehyung cooed softly and hugged her gently, knowing she needs comfort. Y/n hugged him back and started crying again. "T-tae...it's too much.."

"I know baby, it's too much for me too, for all of us, yeah? Don't worry." He said softly and y/n clutched his shirt tightly and soft sniffs left her mouth.

"It's okay baby girl," he said softly and continued rubbing her back. "Let's go inside, let me finish work fast then we will cuddle, yeah?" He continued.

Y/n nodded and pulled away from the hug and Taehyung smiled slightly wiping her tears. "Let's go inside," She nodded and Taehyung again put a blank face and went inside with y/n following him.

All the employees bowed to him and he simply nodded his head and went to his office. Taehyung turned around and looked at y/n with a serious face.

"Alright, baby girl you sit here or tour around the office your choice but I don't want you to disturb me while working, okay?" He asked in a stern voice.

"Okay!" Y/n nodded her head and sat down on the couch while Taehyung looked at her with a small smile and sat on the chair and continued to focus on his work.

While Taehyung was checking some papers y/n stared at his face. He doesn't need to do anything to look this ethereal. He is just so unreal...

"Baby girl, if you kept staring at me like this, how will I concentrate on work, hm?" Taehyung said, not taking his eyes off the papers.

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