◖Chapter 10◗

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Author's POV~••

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Author's POV~••


"Yah!! Don't shout, our ears are alive they can hear." Yoongi shouted as y/n yelled Jimin's name.

"No one asked your opinion grandpa," Y/n said, and hugged Jimin tightly, ignoring the growl from Yoongi.

"I missed you Jimin-shi!" Jimin smiled and hugged back.

"I missed you too y/n-ah!" They both smiled, but flinch as they heard a low growl.

Jimin chuckled and pulled away from the hug. "Calm down jealous tiger, we meet after a long time."

"Who said I am jealous?" Taehyung said and shrugged. His hyungs chuckled.

"You are too obvious Taelous," Hoseok said and give y/n a quick warm hug.

"Come inside please," Y/n said and stood away from the door. "Missed you Jinniieeee~" she whined and hugged him.

"Yah! I am older than you, respect me." He yelled. "Okay, so Jin-shi I missed you." She tried something else.

"Can't you say 'Oppa' huh?" Y/n shook her head as a no. "Eww, it sounds gross." She cringed making a disgusting face.

Others chuckled and Jin said. "But we are older than you—even taller you should respect us."

"Oh really?" Y/n asked sarcastically and said. "All of you look younger than me, even Jungkook when he is seven minutes older."

"And you!!" She pointed her finger at Jin. "You age backwards, tell me how you do that, or call me noona, your choice." She huffed and continued.

"I look the oldest one here and–ouch!" she was cut off by Taehyung pulling her ear and twisting it painfully.

"That's enough!" He said and pulled her ear even more. "Ouch!! Leave Taehyung, it hurts!! What did I even do?"

He left her ear and pulled her aside. "Finally! Come inside hyungs, Jungkook and V must be coming soon."

Taehyung said smiling widely. "Oh yeah!" Namjoon said, and came inside, being followed by others.

"Lil meow meow!!" Y/n said and hugged him from behind.

"Yah!! Don't call me that." Yoongi groaned annoyingly, pushing her away.

"Yah! Yoongi-ah, be nice!!" Jin scolded, and flicked his forehead, making him roll his eyes.

"Hyung you know he is always like that, no new thing," Hoseok said and went to hug Tae.

"Tae, how are you, huh?" He asked wrapping his arms around his baby bro.

"I am fine hyungie, what about you?" Taehyung replied hugging back. "I'm good too."

"Have a seat hyung." Taehyung smiled at him. "We are also here if you forget," Jimin said scoffing.


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