◖Chapter 12◗

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Author's POV~

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Author's POV~

So, this month was exams of y/n's and Jungkook's exams. They both were stressed and Namjoon and Taehyung were more than them. Of course, why wouldn't they be? They taught them.

Today, it was their last exam, and y/n and Jungkook were happy finally they are free, now just graduating.

"Hyungggggg!!" Jungkook yelled as he ran towards V. He turn around to look at him. "Hm? What?" He asked turning around.

"Hyung, my exams are done, now...game room?" Jungkook asked, looking at V with his big doe eyes. "After graduation," V said and started walking to his room.

"Hyung, I want it now," Jungkook whined following him like a puppy. "Kookie, I can't right now. Wait till graduation and tell me how was your exam?"

"My exam was good, now tell me why not today? Because after graduation also, you have to do it." Jungkook asked looking at V.

"No, I can't because Tae hyung will ask why did I do it all of a sudden, if I do it after graduation, I can tell him as a graduation gift." He replied shrugging.

Jungkook nodded. "Okay hyung, now let's play something." V looked at him and furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you want to play?"

"Not overwatch today-wait! Hyung, I have a question." Jungkook said and V nodded. "What is it?" Jungkook stopped speaking for a while then said. "Hyung, you want to find who killed your parents, right?" V nodded. "Yeah."

"But you are not a cop or detective. How will you find out?" V tensed for a second, not expecting the sudden attack of the question, but calmed down soon. "I am taking the help of Jackson hyung, he knows a detective, and he is helping me."

Jungkook nodded. "Okay hyung." Jungkook believed him and he was grateful for it.

Time Skip~•••
After Few Days~•••

After graduation, 'cause I'm lazy~•••

"YAY!" Y/n and Jungkook squealed, having their graduation certificate in their hands, and wearing black long robes.

All the friends chuckled squeezing them tightly. "I'm so happy" Y/n squealed throwing herself in Daehyung's arms, making him chuckle.

"Now finally I and y/n can burn our books." Jungkook smiled and hugged Jin. "Yah!! You both will not burn any book." Namjoon yelled.

"But—" Namjoon cut Jungkook's words saying. "You will not." Jungkook chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck.

"A-actually h-hyung...well k-kind off..." He trailed off. Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "What's with you?"

"Yah!! Can't you understand? We already burned them." Y/n interrupted and all their eyes widened. "What?!"

All of them yelled except Jungkook and y/n. "Y-yeah, we a-are sorry hyungs," Jungkook said hiding behind Jin. "Why did you do that?" Hoseok asked.

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