◖Chapter 2◗

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Y/N's POV~•••

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Y/N's POV~•••

I woke up because someone was shaking me. I groan and opened my eyes and saw the love of my life in front of me. I smiled slightly and make grabby hands towards him. He chuckled and pick me up.

"Are you okay, baby girl?" Concern was there in his voice. "I am fine Taetae." I smiled at him as he sigh in relief. "Let's get you cleaned up and eat something, ok?" He took me to the bathroom.

"Ok." I smile but whimper when he sat me on the sink. "What happens, baby girl?" He looked at me worriedly. "My ass is sore."

He chuckled. "And whose fault is it?" I sigh and pout. "Mine," I said. "Good then, don't repeat it."

"I won't." He smiled and took me into the bathtub and ready the bath. After, he washed me. After we were done, he changed me into his black hoodie and ripped jeans.

"Carry me," I said. "Come on, climb on my back, baby." He said, I climb on his back and we both went downstairs.

As we went downstairs we saw Daehyung and Jungkook on the couch. They noticed us and smiled. We both smiled back as Tae put me down on the couch.

I whimpered quietly. Tae went inside the kitchen. I heard someone clearing his throat. I looked up and saw Jungkook and V smirking at me. Oh shit!

"Did you have fun yesterday?" Jungkook asked me with a creepy smirk on his face. I throw the pillow at him. "You fucker, why were you here?" He glared at me and threw the pillow back at me and I dodge it. "Don't cuss at me." He said seriously.

"I will, what will you do, dumbass?" I asked and smirk. "See—TAE HYUNG!! Y/N, IS CUSS–" I cut him off by placing my hand on his mouth. "I am sorry, don't tell him." He removed my hand from his mouth and smirked. "Why? Didn't you say I can't do anything—"

"Why was someone shouting my name?" We turn around to the deep voice that cut Jungkook off. I gulped as he sat beside me.

"Why were you shouting my name kook?" Jungkook looked at me and smirked again. Oh, he is going to tell him. "Hyung, she was cussing at me."

"Again?" He sighed and rubbed his temples. "What should I do with you?" Tae asked me with a glare. "I am sorry, I already apologised to him." I looked at him with cute puppy eyes.

"No, not this time. Should I punish you again?" He asked with a cheeky smile and a raised eyebrow making my eyes widen in horror.

"What? No, I am so sorry." Tae turned my face towards Jungkook. "Apologize to him." He ordered, I sigh and said. "I am sorry kookie."

"It's ok." He replied with a smile. Wow! This guy.

"Hey, why am I feeling that I don't exist?" Another deep voice said which belonged to Daehyung, A. K. A, V.

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