◖Chapter 7◗

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Author's POV~

Y/n is done writing the test and now, she is sitting in her room, while Taehyung was in his office, checking y/n's answers.

Y/n was nervous as hell, she just got Taehyung's forgiveness and she don't want to get punished. She suddenly got a text from Taehyung, saying "come to the meeting room."

Even the message he sent was all blank. She sigh and stood up, not wanting to make Taehyung wait and quickly went out of her room.

As soon as she went to Taehyung's meeting room. She knocked on the door softly and heard a "come in." From inside and she quickly went inside.

"Sit baby," Taehyung said lowly and blankly, while y/n couldn't think, what was going to happen. "So y/n, what do you think, how many answers are correct?"

"I don't know, I am confident that 5 answers should be correct." Taehyung sighed and shook his head as no. "But, it isn't five, you got four answers correct and a half correct."

"What? Just that?" Y/n facepalmed her, already dying inside, thinking what's going to happen. "Ughh! Fuck my life!" She groaned. "Y/n, don't say like that."

"But, I thought I will get five answers correct." She whined but looked up at him as she heard a chuckle. "Yah!! I am panicking and you are laughing." She huffed angrily.

"Baby girl, I was just kidding, you've got seven answers correct," Taehyung said chuckling. "WHAT?" Taehyung nodded and y/n squealed lightly and went to hug him tightly.

"Really?" She asked again. "Yeah, you got seven answers correct. And I see improvement, I am proud of you baby girl." She smiled widely and gave Taehyung a quick peck, but was pulled in a deep kiss. She smiled and kissed back.

"So, my reward?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "What do you want?" Y/n thought for a while and then said. "I want you to promise me that you will never give me the silent treatment."

"Sorry baby girl, I can't do that. If needed then I have to." He looked away, while y/n whined. "No no, I want that only, you asked me what you want then I am saying I want that."

"Baby girl—" Y/n cut him off. "No, I want that promise." She huff. "Y/n, I ca—" she again cut him off. "NO! I want that promise." She yelled, and Taehyung was losing his patience.

"Come on, promise me!" She raised her voice, while Taehyung stared at her blankly.

"No." He said. "What? You asked me, and I am telling you Why—" this time Taehyung cut her off.

"Say that one more time. I dare you." He raised an eyebrow, challenging her. He folded his arms over his chest and rested his hips on the table.

"But–I.." she stopped speaking when he gave her a look. "I am in a good mood baby girl, if you want to spoil it and want a punishment instead of a reward then it's your choice."

Taehyung said, his eyes glaring deeply into y/n's soul, face hard and posture lacing dominance. Y/n looked down, already thinking of something else to get as a reward.

"Apologize," Taehyung ordered blankly. "Pardon?" Y/n asked. "What 'pardon'? Apologize." He said again. "I-I am sorry." She whispered.

"Pardon? I didn't hear you" He said mocking her pardon. "I am sorry," Y/n said and looked down.

"Hm, so what do you want? Anything else then that promise?" Y/n thought for a while and said. "Uh-maybe a cute date?" Taehyung nodded and y/n pulled him into a warm and tight hug.

"I can give that to you. So what do you want kind of date do you want?" Y/n smiled and said. "I am okay with anything, I love anything and everything you do."

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