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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐅𝐄𝐖 days went rather quickly for Adelaide, there were no more tests or unwelcome buildings falling atop of her. No one really bothered her, until Saturday night, when Natasha knocked lightly on her door.

Adelaide was lying on her new bed, and when she heard the knocking at her door, she lifted her head slightly to look at the agent coming into her room.

'Hey, soldier. You settling in alright?' She asked, looking at the younger girl with a small smile painted on her face.

'Not sure why I'm settling in, I wasn't planning on staying here.' She revealed, sitting up in her bed so her back was leaning against the wooden head rest.

'We want you to stay here, Adelaide. Banner and Stark want to run some more tests on you, are you aware of your.... abilities?' Nat's eyebrows raised at the word as she questioned Adelaide.

'What is this a fucking interview?' Adelaide joked, but the woman didn't seem to find it funny. 'Yes, I am.. aware.' She said, almost mocking the agent.

'Alright, well are you comfortable showing us them?' Nat asked, crossing her arms.

'I don't understand how you came to trust me so easily. Must be the fact that by now you've realised I have no way of contacting my father, which is lucky for you, I've got to admit.' Adelaide tilted her head as she confessed. Nat chuckled to herself.

'We don't trust you.' She turned around and headed for the door. Adelaide closed it telekinetically, and Natasha swiftly turned around, her red hair flying around with her head.

'I don't like using them.' Adelaide announced, looking down at her hands as she fiddled with the sleeves of her grey jumper. Nat walked over slowly to her bed and sat down next to Addie, laying her hand on hers. Adelaide immediately pulled her hand away in fear, not of the agent, but of herself.

'It's alright, you're not going to hurt me. You're just a kid okay?' Natasha assured, almost to the point where Adelaide believed her. Almost. 'Why don't you want to use them?'

The memories immediately came flashing back. Those innocent peoples faces. The children. The immediate silencing of them. Adelaide's face dropped and she began to look around rapidly at her surroundings.

'Adelaide, you're gonna be alright, okay? I know you won't hurt anyone' She tried to comfort the girl, but everything was so suddenly different, and being on Earth was nothing like Adelaide thought it would be.

'Me and you, we're gonna stick together. I'll look out for you if you look out for me?' Natasha placed her hand again onto Adelaide's, and this time she didn't move.

'I'm scared.' Adelaide whispered.

'We'll take care of you here, I promise.' Nat said, and this time, Adelaide truly believed it.

Natasha jumped on the spot, her red hair bouncing with volume. Adelaide was not feeling as confident, but she smiled slightly, showing a tiny bit of white. The training room was large and bright, unlike the dampness and darkness of the room her and her sister's would train in back home. Natasha ushered her forwards with her hands, and a man she had met (called Steve Rogers), was standing behind glass on Adelaide's left, watching the two girls.

'C'mon, hit me or something.' Nat commanded, and Adelaide threw a small punch, which Natasha deflected smoothly, while ducking and then throwing a blow to Adelaide's stomach. She was surprised when her hand hit strong muscles, and she took a step back in shock. 'Well you're muscly-' She said, making Steve giggle and Adelaide turn pink with embarrassment. Natasha shrugged herself off, then returned to her stance.

Pepper Potts was a kind woman, known by many for running the large company 'Stark Industries'. Of course, Adelaide had never heard of the business, so when she heard Pepper ran her own company, she did not expect to be meeting one of the most influential business women of the century. Pepper put her hand out in front of her, Adelaide took it.

'Hi there, I'm Pepper, Tony's assis.... girlfriend. I'm his girlfriend.' Pepper introduced, looking at Tony with a smile as he stood comfortably behind Addie. She took Pepper's hand and shook it as she'd been taught by Steve.

'I'm Adelaide.' She said, quietly, but loud enough to be heard. Pepper smiled at the young girl, who turned around for Tony's approval, and he grinned at her. Pepper bent down so she was at Addie's level.

'I'm guessing it's scary, being somewhere completely different to where you're used to.' Pepper stated, her face reassuring and slightly pitiful. Adelaide didn't like other people's pity.

'No. It's fine, actually. I'm 12, not a baby, I can handle myself.' Addie announced, but realising she was slightly rude in saying that, she added a small statement onto the end. 'But... thankyou.' Pepper smiled at her, and at Tony before saying goodbye and getting back onto her work.

'Well, Addie, I suppose now it's just the rest of the team to meet. You've met everyone important, really, but if you are going to be an Avenger then team building is important.' He spoke, getting nauseous at his words as they rolled out his mouth.

'I'd like that.' She responded and Tony's eyes lifted above his rectangular sun glasses.

'Really?' He asked, walking to the elevator and Adelaide following. She adjusted her grey jumper. (Well, Nat's grey jumper, but Addie had claimed it.)

'Mhm.' Adelaide uttered, as they both stood in the elevator, neither looking at the other, but both comfortable, like a father and a daughter.

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