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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 2

𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞.

A loud bang echoed through the Sanctuary II, sending servants and guards on their way. Thanos' hand crashed onto the side of his large throne, his face angry and wrath instilling.

'What do you mean you lost her?!' He bellowed to a young chitauri commander, one of the last survivors of the attack on New York. The commander trembled where he stood below the mighty Titan.

'She was up on the tower one minute and then-' Thanos roared with a deep fury, interrupting the commander's useless word. His mind swelled with thoughts, his precious daughter captured, having god knows what happening to her. Thanos quieted, a look of authority hanging from his brows and he gazed across his large throne room, his children behind him as he acknowledged them, and all the guards in the room.

'I want her found, I don't care how long it takes, I don't care how you have to do it. I want Adelaide back home.' His voice echoed around the room, sending guards outside and already finding a plan as Thanos motioned for all his children to disperse and go along their way. They all did, except Gamora and Ebony Maw, who instead gathered in front of Thanos, hands behind their backs. Thanos raised a brow. 'My children.'

'Father I want to personally lead the team to find Adelaide.' Gamora jumped in before Maw could even open his mouth, and instead after Gamora had stated her wishes Maw gawked at her and chuckled to himself.

'With all due respect, I believe I should be the one to retrieve her, I have the best knowledge of her abilities.' Maw lead a good argument, even Gamora could see that, but she hated him for taking the chance of making up with Adelaide.

They'd fallen out before she'd left, something about Gamora not standing up for Nebula and Adelaide having enough of it. Neither knew how it had started, just how badly it had ended and Adelaide left upset and angry at her older sister.

'Ebony Maw, you will lead the parties in finding my daughter. I intrust you with this duty and I know you shall not fail me.' Thanos said, a glint of happiness and power flickered in Maw's eyes and Gamora's mouth shot open. She argued for many hours with Thanos, to no avail.

That was when Gamora Zen Whoberi knew that she would listen and obey Thanos no longer.

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