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𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐄𝐃 in the mirror in her brightly lit room as the sun blazed through her open windows. She was in a black suit that Natasha had picked for her. 'First impressions are everything, Ad.' She'd said as Addie sat on her friends bed, watching as she lifted up potential options. Adelaide liked the suit, actually, it fitted her very well and maybe it was the excitement of being free from her chains that kept her hidden from the world but she finally felt comfortable, safe.

The large Range Rover that waited outside the compound drove her to the Tower where the press waited for Tony's introduction of Adelaide to society. He was in around the back entrance, the only place not swarmed by cameras and paparazzi and Tony smiled when he saw Adelaide; hair up in a weird bun a stylist Tony had hired put up for her. She looked pretty, presentable, which she hadn't needed to look hidden in the shadows, but now she was in the spotlight.

'Hey, Addie, you ready? They're here.' Tony revealed to a stressed teenager who thought she'd have more time to prepare things she'd say, how she'd answer. But the girl simply replied with a nod and a large gulp of anticipation as she was lead by Tony and a few bodyguards to the large open plan 'Announcement' room, as Tony liked to call it.

It was already swarming with different magazine covers and newspaper journalists, all begging for a picture and a word or two from this child Tony had let into his house. Adelaide had been briefed quickly on her way to the Tower; she was to sit out while Tony introduced her, she would answer a few questions and whenever she needed she just wold give a small nod to Tony and she could leave. No stress necessary.

'Hello everyone...' Adelaide liked the sound of Tony's voice, it was strong and clear and as she listened to him make an introduction and lead into Adelaide's question answering, she had a small time to ponder what she'd say, and how she'd answer. By the time he was finished and she was ushered to where he stood, she had pretty much figured out her answers to any questions that could be asked.

'Adelaide!! Over here!!' One of the reporters begged, snatching the girl's attention. When they locked eyes he said, 'What's it like living in the Avengers Tower and compound?' She'd thought this answer through.

'Busy, messy and hilarious. The Avengers, we're like a big family and we've all got our quirks and kinks, but at the end of the day we're just your run of the mill bunch.' She answered, confidence running through her veins. The reporter seemed happy with that, and left the others to ask a few questions, one of which was:

'Adelaide!! How did you become an Avenger?'

'Well I was scouted really, at the battle of New York. The Avengers noticed my abilities and that's that.'

'Excuse me, Adelaide!! What abilities do you have?'

Adelaide hadn't thought of that question however, and was unsure how to answer it.

'The best way to explain it I suppose is... any powers I damn want.' Not a lie, but not completely the truth.

'Did you kill Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye?'

No words, just actions.

'You.' Adelaide whispered, Wanda's face confused and taken aback. The large open kitchen in the compound was airy and the breeze flicked Adelaide's top.

'Have you told him yet?' Wanda questioned, caring first for her twin who she knew was in love with Adelaide. No matter how much he said he didn't mind if his twin and Addie were a couple, Wanda knew that he did care a little bit and knew she needed to think of him before anyone else. Adelaide's eyes looked to the tiled floor and she leant against the island in the middle of the kitchen.

'Yes, Pietro knows.' She assured, bringing a small smile to Wanda's face as she weaved her fingers in Adelaide's soft white hair close to her neck. Adelaide melted into her touch and brought herself close to the witch and placed her lips delicately on hers. Their sweet embrace was interrupted by Steve wandering into the kitchen to grab a midnight snack, something he usually did in secret as it was so late and they had a mission tomorrow.

He stopped dead in his tracks in the doorway as he noticed both girls staring at him. Steve smiled awkwardly and, knowing he couldn't escape this one without interrogation, his feet padded quietly along the tiled floor over to the fridge. Adelaide and Wanda didn't take their hands off of each other, fingers sloppily on each other's necks and in beautiful ginger hair as they watched Steve take a yogurt out of the fridge.

Steve walked swiftly out of the door, before turning around and looking at the teenagers.

'Get to bed you two, we go to Lagos tomorrow and you need your rest. Especially you Adelaide, you don't have to come after what happened at the tower.' He demanded hypocritically, and then left before the girls could call him out on his own habits.

When the sound of him had left their ears, and their minds followed him to his room where they knew he couldn't hear them, they erupted into laughter.


Lagos was hot and humid, but the breeze cooled the girls as they sat at a coffee table together, hands entwined under the table. They weren't together in secret, they both just sensed Pietro's eyes upon them. He'd seemed to have moved on, however. He had brought a girl to the compound, she was nice and sweet and she didn't seem to care she was sat at a dinner table with the Avengers.

Of course Pietro didn't have to introduce her, just Wanda alone would've been enough. But the Avengers were his family, and if she were to stay she had to get along with them. Adelaide had liked her, they laughed together even. The white haired girl knew, however, that the girl was aware that Pietro had loved her, more than life itself. The girl, Amelié, was cautious around Adelaide, as if she knew that Pietro would choose her over this normal girl. Maybe she was comfortable with that knowledge, maybe not, Adelaide didn't feel like prying around to find out.

Even though, however, the girl's touch remained hidden away, and was only broken by the commands of Captain America. He spoke, and the girl's listened, getting up from where they stood to pursue a large truck that they assumed had the villains they wanted inside. Adelaide was to stay behind, to wait for the others to grab what they needed; she was a last resort. In the last few months her powers had become so raw, she had come close to killing an entire town of people and had set the team back.

The villains now knew that the youngest Avenger was not only a weak spot, but if you hit her right, she would be a weapon to them and not their good intentioned foes. So for safety of everyone around them, Adelaide was to remain in the city centre and await their victory.

Wanda set to run off after Natasha, but Adelaide grabbed her waist with her right hand and held onto the side of her face with her left. She smiled into the kiss Wanda brought to her, before they parted and Wanda made off into the crowd, leaving her lover alone.

They didn't return for a while and Adelaide held onto her connection with Wanda as a way of navigating the fight and what was happening.

'I need you to meet me in the marketplace, one of the men has made off with the biological weapon. Can you do that?' Wanda questioned, and Adelaide jumped at the chance to join in with the action. What's the worst that could happen?

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