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𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐄'𝐒 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐒𝐇 as she spoke to Vision, as she uttered a command that she really wished he'd obey; and she'd only utter it once.

'Vision. Move.' Swirls of black shadow intertwined with her fingers as she prepared for an answer she did not want but expected. The small gem in the synthezoids forehead shimmered and the dandelion colours swirled with anticipation of a fight. He winced as it happened.

'Staying here is the safest option.' Vision tried to explain his reasoning to two unwilling listeners, one of whom who gave him a look of warning and the other a scornful snarl. The shadows began to grow as they twisted and swirled towards Vision, who did not look at them.

'For whom?' Was Adelaide's simple question, and Vision looked at her as if not wanting to answer her; as if he was ashamed of the answer.

'Not yours.' Cryptic, of course it was, he didn't wish to utter the actual words - 'For everyone around you's safety' - for they would be too harsh, and Adelaide and Wanda were not people to get angry. However it was too late for hidden messages and treading eggshells, they were already cracked and the evidence was on the floor below the robot, in swirls of ebony and black.

Adelaide's reaction to Wanda's face of guilt and shame was, 'Oh if you had blood in your wires, you'd beg me to stop forcing you to break every bone in your goddamn body. But you're just a machine. A manufactured toy that Tony Stark created. You're no better than those hollow suits.' She snarled, eyes blazing with rage.

Vision squirmed slightly and clenched his jaw as the shadow trickled up his leg, the smell of metal tinting the room. 'It is just until the Accords are on a more solid foundation.' His words were of a reassurance, a reassurance that didn't taint Adelaide and Wanda's feelings about what he was saying: They couldn't leave because he (and most likely Tony) were afraid they would hurt someone. Obviously not on purpose, but it was a risk they were not willing to take.

'We're not some ticking time bomb.' Wanda spoke to Vision. He shrugged slightly.

'It is just for now.'

An honourable mention to Tony Stark, who in his visit to Queens to see the one and only Peter Parker, made sure to warn the kid. They sat on his bed, Tony a bit uncomfortable as how untidy his room was and Peter ultimately confused at the information Tony had told him.

'Look kid, if there's anyone you've gotta avoid, it'll be the red head with those weird red wiggly woos and the white haired girl, Adelaide.' Tony explained, the bright lighting illuminating his iconic sunglasses. Peter looked at the man in confusion.

'Why them? They powerful? I promise I'm strong Mr. Stark I can handle it.' Parker's voice raised as he tried to assure Tony of his capabilities, but Tony just laughed a small bit while shaking his head.

'Yes, they're powerful. But if you touch the red head, Adelaide will rip you to pieces, slowly. You touch Adelaide, the whole team will likely come for you, and you'll only get within a few metres of her before she tears you apart. She's uncontainable, just steer clear of her.' Tony explained, seriously trying to scare Peter for a number of reasons:
1. He didn't want Adelaide to get hurt, Peter did pack a punch.
2. He didn't really want this kid from Queens to die.
3. He didn't really need to be cleaning up the mess Adelaide and Wanda would make if they got angry; not a pretty sight.

'Alright, Mr. Stark. I'm not gonna let you down.' Peter turned fully to Tony and did a small thumbs up, making Stark roll his eyes and get up, brushing down his suit.

'Yeah, I know, kid.'


Pietro sat on a grey plastic chair as he awaited the government official's response to his question: How long will the results for his citizenship take? He fiddled with his hands, the room was a dull sort of white, nothing but tables of magazines of which Pietro had no interest in. Before long, a suited man walked to over to the boy, no expression on his face.

'The form has been taken in, the processing will take a week, maybe longer.' His voice was monotone, matching his dull suit as he ushered Pietro out of the room. Anticipation swarmed his facial features as Natasha sat in her car awaiting his arrival to be picked up. He got in the car and the agent didn't bat an eye as she began to drive to where Steve was being held.

'It went well, I think.' His voice was excited, happy, even. Natasha smiled gently, then focused on the road. Pietro wasn't offended, he knew she didn't really care and he was okay with that, Natasha was like a big sister to him.

They pulled into the UN building and both got out, walking in the front entrance and both headed for the large conference room where Tony and the others were. However on their way up, Pietro was stopped by a man in a suit, Thaddeus Ross, the Secretary of State. His arm held a firm grip on the teenager's arm, and the boy's face was one of alarm as he jolted up to look at the man. Natasha stopped too, gripping her pistol on her side in habit.

'Maximoff? Right?' A rhetorical question, he knew exactly who this boy was. 'Can I borrow you for just a second?' A question this time directed towards Natasha, as if "the adults were speaking", but Nat just looked to Pietro to check with him, and then when she was given the OK, she nodded and relaxed her grip. 'We will be a while, join Tony.' Natasha did as he said and carried on up the stairs as Pietro followed next to Thaddeus.

'How can I help?' Was the conversation started Pietro went with as they walked to who-knows where. Ross smiled.

'You are a very polite young man.' He commented as they twisted around halls and down corridors, up stairs and through rooms of people. 'I understand you are close to becoming a US citizen, and I'd like to help with that.' Was all Thaddeus said as they walked at a slower pace than average. Pietro's interest was peaked.

'How would you do that?' Pietro asked.

'All I want you to do, is stay right in this room.' They walked through some doors into a room with a bed and toilet. Pietro's face screwed up.

'But my sister, Wanda, I need to get home to her.' Pietro looked at Thaddeus, who turned his nose up at him whilst putting his hands in his pockets.

'You will stay here, Maximoff.' A solid command, spoken from a general, an army man. Pietro scoffed, then attempted to run with his impeccable speed, but went as fast as any normal man. The guards halted him with ease. The Secretary of State did not turn around as he spoke. 'Do you like the new shoes we gave you?' Pietro looked down at them, he'd received a fresh pair of trainers from some guards at the other building he was at and thought nothing of it.

'Utalitonium.' Was the next word Thaddeus uttered. 'Don't ask me what it is, all I know is it falters abilities and enhancements. Renders them useless. You're stuck here, now comply, or be forced to comply.'

Pietro didn't dare run, or fight, he simply sat in the cell, waiting for someone to notice his prolonged absence.

No one did.

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