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𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏 a now sleeping Scott Lang, Adelaide and Wanda were now sat as they drove to the rendezvous in an airport. They spoke through their minds, their bond strengthening with every thought shared.

'Are you nervous?' Wanda asked, leaning on Adelaide's shoulder as they both sat in the two front seats in the white van. Sam drove further.

'Yes, I suppose I am.' Adelaide's answer was calculated, thought through. She was nervous, of course, but she was also dreading leaving the compound. She was about to go head to head with her family.

'As am I, but you will be with me.' Wanda's green eyes met Adelaide's as she looked up towards her, smiling. Adelaide leaned her head back against the headrest and carried on sharing her every thought.

'Tony brought in some backup, I know that much. It's a kid, a bit younger than us. He's been monitoring him for some time and he said when he'd found out enough about him.... he said I'd go with him. He'd be my first ever friend.' Addie's face lit up slightly at the memory, she'd been around the same age he must be now.

'I'm sure you'll still be able to see him afterwards, when this has all blown over and we're all friends again.' The car slowed to a stop as Wanda filled Adelaide's mind with the hope of a friendship with the mystery boy. Adelaide got out, as did Sam and Wanda, and they all went around to the right side of the car. They were in the airport where they were to meet Steve and Bucky, and Adelaide was excited to get changed into a new suit she'd gotten.

Tony had found it, leathers that looked like they belonged in a fantasy novel, gorgeous and sleek and regal, as if she were a commander of an entire army. Adelaide had loved the suit since she'd seen it, and now she would rush and pull it on and show Wanda.
She walked over to Sam and tapped his shoulder, suit over her shoulder.

'Hey uh I'm gonna try this on in case it doesn't fit.' She said, a grin plastering her face. Sam looked at her, confused but he nodded and Adelaide smiled enthusiastically at Wanda. The girl smiled awkwardly and did a small thumbs up before Adelaide ran to wherever the toilets were.

She changed into the suit fairly quickly, it fit her well. Adelaide walked out of the toilets, beaming at her appearance and she was near to the entrance for the carpark until a familiar voice stopped her in her tracks.

'Hey, kid.' Her body twisted and her face lit up with the sun beaming through the window. Tony. And a man next to him, dressed in a spider suit. Adelaide exhaled quickly, before returning to her stone cold expression. She was meant to be angry at Stark.

'Tony.' Her voice was strong and powerful, and she looked at the boy beside Tony, the Spider-man, and lifted her chin proudly.

'This is Peter.' Spider-man removed the mask with Tony's prompt, and smiled awkwardly at Adelaide lifting a hand and giving a small wave. 'I wanted you two to meet, before everything goes to shit. So you know that if you come with me and sign, you can still be friends with him Adelaide. I still have hope out for you.' Peter walked forward as Tony spoke and put out the hand he waved with to shake Addie's hand.

'Hi I'm uh, I'm Spider-man but I'm guessing you already knew that because Mr Stark....' The boy looked behind him at Stark and Tony gave a supportive thumbs up. 'You're Adelaide?'

'Yes.' Adelaide's reply was shortened by her shock. 'It's lovely to meet you, Peter.' She smiled gently, shook his hand. 'Are you an avenger now?'

Peter looked at Tony behind him, who shook his head over dramatically. 'I'm guessing not, no.' He laughed, Adelaide joining in and flashing her teeth with her joy. 'But maybe after this is all over and you're on our team, we could hang out? I don't have many super friends, or people who know my identity and it would be nice? I don't know uh, I mean if you want to you don't have to obviously-'

'Hey.' Adelaide interrupted him, her face still painted with a smile. 'Yeah that'd be nice. You'd have to show me around Queens though.' Peter chuckled at Adelaide's joke.

'Steve's here. Where are you, my love?' Wanda spoke to Adelaide through thoughts and images.

'Just on my way.' Adelaide responded with images of before Tony interrupted her. 'I have to go now.' She said, turning around after flashing a small smile at Peter.

'Adelaide.' She slowed down and stopped, turning slowly to face Tony again. 'Sign. This is your last chance.' She laughed, crafting shadows around her and imbetween her fingers. Her face stopped dead bland.

'See you on the battle field, Parker. If you live long enough, you know what Tony's like.'

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

Adelaide swung open the door to the carpark, making instant eye contact with Wanda, now suited up along with the others. Her green eyes widened at the sight of her, leathers fitting her perfectly. Sam flared his wings out and in, testing their flexibility and Scott was suited up as well. No sign of Bucky or Sam.

'They've already gone. Scott's leaving now.' Wanda clarified, as Adelaide walked to her side.

'You'll stay here, we will call you if we need you. Try to stay out of sight.' Sam looked Adelaide up and down, hair knitted into laces of shadow, a few strands of shadow also leaping off of Adelaide's skin. 'Wanda. Let's go.' Wanda pressed a small kiss against Adelaide's lips before running after Sam. Adelaide looked around for Scott, who was no where to be seen.

On her own for a few hours then.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

It was merely minutes of silence for Adelaide as she sat in the back of the van. She braided a small strand of her hair next to the one Wanda had done hours before. Her hair was long now, touching the top of her butt, she liked it long so she or others could style it. She sat pondering things she and Wanda and the others would do when they got home, like bake or have another movie night. Comms lit up.

'Alright Adelaide, time to come out and play.' Steve's voice is the one that Addie heard, and she practically leaped out of the van, closing the sliding door behind her and twisting the door closed telekinetically. Adelaide responded in each of the team member's minds, in case Stark had tapped their comms, which was likely.

'What is it I'm meant to say? On your left?' She asked, hearing Sam burst out in laughter just below her where she ran to join them. Steve joined in.

'I don't get it.' Wanda's mousy response. Adelaide jumped onto a plane, then next to her team as they stood opposite Tony's. She locked hands with Wanda and whispered in her ear.

'I'll explain when we get home.' She said, looking at the entirety of the other half of the Avengers. Looking at Peter, taking the role he was given.

'If we get home.'

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