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𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐁𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐄'𝐒 hand and hauled her up off of the ground, they dusted themselves off.

'You stay here, I'll help Pietro and Vision.' Adelaide commanded, eyes darting around her surroundings. Wanda grabbed onto her hand, and Adelaide whipped around, their gazes colliding in a mess of blue and green.

'Let me help you.' Wanda pleaded, and Adelaide smiled before grunting and placing a hand on her forehead. She winced in pain, Wanda squeezed her palm, circling her thumb on the top of her hand. 'Hey hey, what is it?' She asked, and Adelaide simply removed her leathers, and the shirt she wore underneath. Exposing her top half. Wanda's eyes widened. 'Oh uh ok-'

'My back, idiot.' Adelaide spun around, her hair already tied up. Wanda gasped quietly, the stars on Adelaide's back retorting and swirling near Wanda's touch. Wanda looked to Adelaide's eyes.

'May I...?' She gestured towards the pool of starlight, and Adelaide nodded. Wanda moved her hand slowly toward the stars, and when her hand neared enough, instead of going straight through Adelaide, as had Drax, Mantis and Gamora, her hand stopped at an invisible layer where Adelaide's flesh used to reside. Adelaide spun around, looking at Wanda's hand. She slipped back on her shirt and leathers, as she felt Proxima near.

'Your hand didn't... it didn't go in.' Adelaide breathed, and Wanda looked confused. She put a hand to Adelaide's chin and lifted her face so she could see her expression, that of confusion and wonder.

'What are you talking about?' Wanda asked, concerned. Adelaide shook her head.

'Nevermind now, shoot me.' Adelaide commanded, sensing Proxima once again, as well as Pietro. From the look of Wanda's face, she felt it too and fired a ball of scarlet at Adelaide. Blood dripped from her lip as she landed a few metres away. Proxima stood, watching as Adelaide licked her bottom lip, grinning at Wanda, who looked frustrated.

'You play the part very well, my love.' Adelaide sent over the connection, Wanda's face didn't falter and instead of sending back a retort, she lifted Adelaide with her energy. Pietro grabbed one of Proxima's weapons and ran from her. Frustrated, she took off after him. Adelaide stayed in the air, until she decided that from out her back she wished for feathery extensions. So out of her back snapped and cracked bone and flesh and feather, glistening white.

Wanda dropped her in surprise, and while both were distracted, Corvus picked Wanda up and threw her high up into the air. Without even thinking, Adelaide shot up herself, her wings propelling her into the air and focussed her eyes upon Wanda gripping onto a falling Vision. She raced for them, crashing into the glass of the train station behind them.

Just before they landed on the floor, Adelaide gripped onto them tight, enveloping them in her wings and protecting them from the fall damage. When they'd landed, Wanda propped Vision up against green fence and Pietro sped inside and next to them, spear in hand. Loud whispers erupted from the stone in Vision's forehead and Adelaide spun around.

'For the love the gods, please shut that thing up.' She commanded, however Vision was unable to speak before Proxima and Corvus strode inside the station, hands gripping weapons and faces painted with snarls. Adelaide jumped up, leaving Wanda to console and try to help Vision. She stood in front of them, backs to her friends and outspread her large wings.

'Leave. Now.' She commanded, leaving Proxima stunned at her sudden deception, she laughed at the young girl. She sneered.

'What you gonna do, Bloodwielder?' Proxima laughed again, followed by Corvus. Adelaide's wings jolted in pain at the nickname they'd given her after she'd learned to blood manipulate. She didn't notice that they only picked on her because she was what they feared most; that which they did not understand.

'I'll rip you to shreds, then Corvus, then father.' Adelaide promised, and a train hissed behind them. Proxima gathered her anger and threw a spear she held at Adelaide, who dodged out of the way, narrowly missing her left wing. The spear hurtled past the end of the train and was caught by a man; tall, muscly, and a familiar conscious. Adelaide grabbed Wanda's hand, pulling her upwards and helping Vision off of the ground and Pietro gripped Adelaide's waist.

The figure came out of the shadows and his face was revealed.

'Steve fucking Rogers, ho-ly shit.' Adelaide chuckled, and Steve simply whistled. Behind them all came the Falcon, soaring into Proxima and hitting her off the ground.

'Get out of here and back to the jet, now.' Adelaide wasn't going to ignore Steve's commands and ushered Wanda, Vision and Pietro out of the station. Adelaide tucked her wings back into herself, and as soon as they were inside the jet, Pietro stopped Adelaide and pulled her close to him. She wrapped her arms around him, and sniffled into his shoulder.

Adelaide looked over to Wanda sat on a chair in the jet and practically jumped on top of her, eyes not parting as Adelaide ran her fingers down Wanda's face.

'Gods I missed you.' Adelaide sighed, and tears came to her eyes. Wanda trailed her hands down Adelaide's back, touching those stars and blackness. Adelaide's skin lit on fire as she did, as if the space in which inhabited her reacted to Wanda.

Vision looking at Wanda, Wanda adoring Adelaide, and Pietro staring at his twin and his best friend.

After a few minutes, Steve entered the jet, along with Sam and then, Natasha. Adelaide cried out when she saw her, and jumped onto her, wrapping her legs around her waist and sobbing into her hair. Natasha laughed, then cried as well, gripping tightly onto Adelaide as if never to let go. She hopped down off of Natasha and smiled at her.

'What's been going on, Addie?' Nat asked with a smile, and Adelaide simply smiled more.

'Oh so much. We're gonna need a whole day to talk about all the shit that's happened.' Adelaide responded and sat down next to Wanda, intertwining their fingers and resting her head imbetween her shoulder and neck. Vision winced at the site of their pure and utter love for each other, but neither girl seemed to notice. The only person that did was Pietro, and he glared at Vision. The synthezoid didn't so much as look at Wanda and Adelaide again.

'Let's get out of here.'

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