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'𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀, 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍, we'll look after Adelaide.' Natasha nodded as Adelaide began to flinch at everything coming at them, irritated that she couldn't protect them all. Wanda held Adelaide close to her, looking Natasha up and down with narrowed ivory eyes.

'I think I can protect her best, thanks.' Wanda seethed, and Adelaide pushed away from her, looking slightly offended.

'I can protect myself. I may seem useless without my abilities, but I was trained as a killer before I got these... powers.' Adelaide huffed, and Wanda rolled her eyes.

'That isn't what I was saying. I know you can handle your own, it's just that you shouldn't have to all the time. Let me care for you.' Wanda brushed her ringed fingers against Adelaide's palm, but Adelaide retreated her hand, shaking her head. Wanda raised her chin, slamming her hand back to her side. 'Fine.' She turned he gaze to Nat who was now in line with Adelaide as she'd backed up. 'I'll take care of Vision then.' In a whirl of scarlet, Wanda had propelled herself away from the girls and left to find the synthezoid.

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Adelaide moved in a series of whirls and ducks, using the daggers sheathed at her side to slice off limbs of the Outriders. It had been a while, and she wondered when this battle would end, however the creatures seemed to be dwindling, not many left. She was pushed back to an area of quite a lot of green, and most of the Avengers were there now (excluding Tony and Spiderling of course). She turned to Pietro, who shot her a smile and she could've sworn he was saying something but he was so far away and the voice she heard was more like a whisper coming from behind her.

The stone. Vision's stone. Her head whipped around and there he was, with Wanda assessing any wounds. They made eye contact, and Vision knew exactly why Adelaide had turned to him as he had always heard the voice too when she was present. Adelaide wandered over, pressing a hand to his temple.

Soon. You feel it too, creator? We will all be here, united again under your wonderful ruling. You'll bear us all upon your skin.

She turned around, hearing Cap's warning that Thanos' arrival was imminent. And there again he was in a warmth of blue smoke. Her eyes widened as her eyes lay upon the stones inside the gauntlet, all of them whispering prayers to her and wishes to be set free and to be unleashed. She turned back to Vision as he pleaded with the both of them.

'It has to be one of you, please. He gets the stone, you know what will happen.' Wanda sobbed, looking at Vision as he knelt at her feet, completely at her mercy. Wanda looked behind her shoulder at Adelaide.

'Please I can't do it I-'

'They're not back yet, Wan. I can't.' Adelaide's eyes said a silent apology as Wanda turned back to Vision. Her blue eyes tried to focus upon Thanos walking towards her, but the sound of sobbing and Wanda's ray of scarlet smashing into the stone was hard to block out. She cowered behind all the Avengers being bested by Thanos, Captain America being punched, Bruce being held inside a wall and T'Challa being hit away effortlessly.

His eyes landed upon his favourite child. 'Daughter.' He almost choked out, those words sounding the same as when she would sit upon his lap when she was a child while he commanded thousands of armies and destroyed hundreds of planets. 'You betray me for these... humans.' She sighs, stamping down the lump in her throat. Adelaide sheaths her daggers.

'Am I not one myself?' She asks, already knowing the answer. Already thinking she knew the answer. Thanos lowered his gauntlet.

'Did I ever tell you how we found you upon Earth?' He asked, and Adelaide nodded once, giving into the desire of curiosity that plagued her. That sense of wanting Thanos to approve of her, to praise her.

'You had a device that tracked infinity stones, and when you couldn't find it on Earth, you took me instead. You saw me, when I was at that children's home, and you kidnapped me.' She spat out, eyes tinted with her fear and upset. Thanos tutted and shook his head.

'The device didn't track each infinity stone, it tracked all of them. All of them and that lead to an orphanage. And inside that orphanage was a girl, white hair, bluest eyes I'd ever seen. I had people search in every book to find out what you were, why you had been chosen by the device. What made a simple girl with no abilities so special?' Adelaide's eyes glazed over, what was he saying? 'Only one book contained any words to describe you. A book called the Dark Hold. I think I remember the exact page, well it was easy to remember. You were mentioned right at the back, the pages so old they felt as if they would crumble under my touch.

'Everything, all of this around us everywhere you created, Adelaide. The device tracked you because you created the stones, and their power and more live inside you. Flowing through your veins. You crafted each and every one of us. Those memories you just received on the battlefield? Put there by me using the stones.' Adelaide felt as if she would throw up. 'I didn't create those memories, daughter, I just revealed them to you again. You're more powerful than you know, more powerful than any of us put together more powerful than these stones right here.' He flashed off the gauntlet, turning it in the sun. Adelaide felt Wanda straining behind her, only half way to cracking that stone into pieces.

'You're lying.' Adelaide hissed, not fully believing it herself.

'You're the Mother of Stars, Adelaide. The creator of the universe. You even created your little girlfriend back there.' Thanos nodded towards Wanda as she sobbed while attacking the stone. Adelaide took out a dagger, angling it towards Thanos.

'Don't even look at her. You're a lying bastard.' Adelaide yelled, eyes dripping with tears. Her legs felt weak.

'Your Scarlet Witch, crafted by you, for you. The perfect companion, she's everything you'd ever want because you made her.' Adelaide collapsed to the floor, eyes burning and as Thanos walked past her, the gauntlet brushed her shoulder. Her whole body lit up, stars covering nearly every inch of her body.

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