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'𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐄? 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 here?' Wanda's head poked out from behind her door as she gazed at an anxious Adelaide, who's head darted up as she noticed her girlfriend. Adelaide smoothed her hair out and put on a faux smile, but Wanda had been listening into her thoughts and knew exactly what was plaguing her. Adelaide stood up and took the step so she was facing Wanda.

'They're going to call us for a meeting soon, you should get changed.' Adelaide tried to play off what she knew Wanda had seen swirling in her mind and began to walk off, but Wanda held onto her closely in their minds.

'Wait.' Wanda mentally pleaded, forcing a stop in Adelaide's step. 'I want you in my room, before they call us.' Adelaide swiftly turned around to see a pink hue painted onto Wanda's cheeks as she stared at Adelaide, looking from her piercing blue eyes down to her lips. Adelaide slowly walked forward, opening Wanda's door more as Wanda took steps backwards, retreating into her room.

Adelaide closed the door with haste as Wanda's knees buckled when they collided with her bed, and she fell neatly onto her back. Adelaide straddled her hips.

'You don't want to lock it?' Wanda asked, a slight look of concern on her face as she swept her hair to one side of her face. Adelaide leant down and placed her lips on Wanda's, the touch forcing the metal of the lock on the door to twist and turn. Wanda's hands ran up the side of Adelaide torso, feeling her curves as she sank into the kiss even more. Adelaide shivered slightly as the rings on Wanda's fingers were cold against her bare skin.

The red head's fingers tugged at Adelaide's shirt, eagerly tying to tear it off but all Adelaide replied with was a small giggle before rolling off of Wanda and standing by her door, straightening her clothes and fixing her hair. Wanda lay panting on her bed for a few seconds, then rested on her elbows and looked at Adelaide.

'Hey, where do you think you're off to?' She asked rhetorically, a little upset.

'You need to get changed. Can't have you soaked for the meeting.' Adelaide's eyes looked Wanda up and down before a small tug at the side of her mouth made her grin, causing Wanda to blush slightly.

'You're very cocky, what makes you think I will be?' Wanda asked in retaliation, making Adelaide pout innocently.

'Well after your shower you will be, won't you?' She smirked before blinking softly, opening the door for her without even thinking about it. She strode out, leaving Wanda to change.

Adelaide and Wanda were called down from where they sat together in Wanda's room, contemplating life and the meaning of it all, just typical gay conversations. They walked down the stairs and assembled in the meeting room and took a seat next to each other. States and gazes upon them, mostly of disapproval from the likes of Rhodes and Vision, but some friendly ones from Nat and Tony, both already sat down.

The first people to come in from the doors leading to the foyer, were 3 men dressed in suits and black sunglasses; bodyguards it seemed. Then the Secretary of State, who Adelaide had seen a few times in her time spent in the tower. He stood in front of the large TV at the front of the room and greeted all the New Avengers formally, his smile fake.

'I would first off like to begin with a small thankyou. You see, five years ago I had a heart attack.' The man started talking, catching the attention of all members of the team and they listened with intent. 'I dropped right in the middle of my back swing. Turns out it was the best round of my life because after thirteen hours of surgery and a triple bypass I found something forty years in the army never taught me.' The Secretary paused and looked at each person in the room. 'Perspective. The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us.... protected us, risked your lives! Heck, you've even died for us.'

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