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𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 with Vision, even after having thoughts about what would happen to Adelaide if the stone was destroyed. Adelaide shut them down easily though, saying to Wanda that she knew what would happen, and the outcome would be nothing bad. She was lying of course.

Adelaide and Pietro stood in the archway of the palace, Adelaide adorned in a different suit to her normal, a high ponytail (done by Natasha with haste), dusty long shorts and a vest type top. She had gotten bored with the whole, "suit up" thing and had opted for comfort and flexibility, both acquirable in the clothes she wore. It was also very hot in Wakanda that day, with the sun blessing the people on the ground with it's happy rays.

She grabbed his hand as they gazed across the plain land ahead, soon to be destroyed. And the pair of them looked behind them too, to T'Challa, and something clicked on Adelaide's mind then, as if the stones had already chosen, and they were telling her. She couldn't necessarily see what they were whispering in her ear, just a small feeling, a feeling of loss and knowing. Adelaide knew T'Challa felt it too, maybe she'd accidentally shown him telekinetically, or maybe he just knew.

Whichever it was, he smiled at Adelaide, wearing his suit. Adelaide smiled back and nodded in understanding. Natasha joined T'Challa's side, as did Steve. Bucky appeared behind Steve, and Adelaide noticed it again, that feeling and sense of knowing. Each person she looked at, either that feeling or no feeling. Natasha beamed at Adelaide.

'Oh my god, Dora the Explorer I'm a massive fan.' Natasha gawked at Adelaide, to a vulgar gesture in response. Natasha gave a look of warning to Adelaide. 'Careful! Steve might uh.... flag you up for that one.' Adelaide and Natasha struggled for breath as they laughed, before the three of them joined Adelaide and Pietro at the arch.

'It is time.' Steve spoke, and a tear came to Adelaide's eye as she looked at what she feared was to come. Bucky looked at her too.

'Five more minutes of this heaven, please.' She asked, and her wish was granted, for they all knew this would never end the way they dreamed.

Pietro looked at Adelaide as they stood on the open top ship imbetween legions of the Wakandan army. He shrugged.

'Oh come on, Pietro! Wings...' She began, flaring her wings out her back through her t shirt, breaking holes in it. 'Or.... no wings.' She jolted them back in, the holes in her top now exposing her star flecked skin. Pietro sighed, the sun illuminating his hair.

'Okay fine fine... uh wings?' He asked, and Adelaide beamed, flaring out her feathers again. She nodded.

'Yep, that's what I was thinking. They give the outfit... pazzazz.....' Adelaide smirked at Pietro and he laughed. Steve put a hand on Adelaide's back and when she turned to him, he signalled ahead of them. To above them. The large ships making their descent and crashing into the gorgeous green landscape. Adelaide hopped off of the platform she stood on and took her place at the front of the army, next to Natasha and Pietro.

Adelaide sighed, and followed Steve, Natasha and T'Challa as they made their way towards the edge of the shield, eagerly awaiting the carnage. First, Proxima. Then Cull Obsidian as well. The two of them stood, smirking at Adelaide.

'We have awaited years to finally kill you.' She spoke, grinning. 'Thanos gave us the go-ahead, and this time we will not hold back.' A promise across a battlefield, one that would be broken. Proxima turned to the rest of them. 'Thanos will have that stone.' Steve chuckled.

'Yeah, I wouldn't be so sure.' He said, Natasha staring at Obsidian.

'Where'd your other little friend go?' She asked, tilting her head in false innocence. Proxima growled under her breath and Adelaide shot her a look of warning, her wings flaring slightly.

'You will pay for his life with your own.' Natasha shrugged as Proxima spoke. Steve stepped up once again.

'You may surrender now, leave us and we will leave you. No one has to die today.' Steve quietly said, but Proxima simply smiled at him, before signalling for the large ships behind her to open. Adelaide grabbed Natasha and Steve, who held onto T'Challa and she teleported them to the front lines again in a whip of black smoke.

The Black Panther looked to his body and where they recently stood. 'Yeah you're welcome, your highness.' Adelaide smirked at T'Challa and the corner of his mouth tugged upwards. Creatures spilled from the ships, Outriders. Adelaide had seen them before, she'd been the one to warp their minds into following only the Black Order and Thanos. They charged towards the shield, and smashed into it, some crawling through and having the shield close around half their bodies, slicing them in half.

Adelaide winced. 'Oh for fuck's sake.' She spoke, rolling her eyes. Steve looked perplexed at the creatures' mindless sacrifice.

'They're killing themselves.' Steve breathed. Adelaide turned to Pietro, staring into his eyes.

'Take me to the shield. My teleportation is depleted.' She commanded, and he narrowed his eyes, confused and trying to figure out what she was getting at. She sighed and pointed to some of the Outriders that had successfully made their way past the defence of the shield.

'Ah.' Pietro turned to Adelaide after spying what she was seeing, and grabbed her legs and swooped her up into his arms. Adelaide winked to Natasha, before they whipped away to the border in a streak of blue. As soon as they had made it, Adelaide and Pietro worked in tandem, one firing shots and the other protecting their backs. Shadows crept up the legs of the creatures and tore them limb from limb, the blue blood creating a pool in dents in the land.

Shouts and chants erupted from behind them, and Adelaide shook her entire body, the cloth from her clothes disintegrating and being just as quickly replaced by a breathable suit of black, some bits exposing her back where stars danced. Pietro grabbed onto Adelaide's wrists and pulled her close into him, then sped them to just in front of the charging army, the shield opening just as the blue appeared in their wake.

Creatures spilled into the beautiful hidden land, and the army instantly snapped into battle mindset, all working like a beautiful dance, slicing and stabbing. Adelaide propelled herself into the air with her powerful wings, lifting Outriders into the air with her, and making their blood rain down upon the rest of the fighters. She swirled in the air, equipping herself with a large sword, which, when her feet touched the ground, scraped along the ground.

'Watch out!' Natasha called, and Adelaide turned around swiftly to see Pietro, Outrider in hand and facing her. Blue smoke enveloped his body, intertwining with his platinum hair. He smirked and tilted his head.

'Just like old times.' His outstretched arm dropped the creature and he sped off just as fast as he came. Adelaide scoffed, and disintegrated a large mass of creatures behind her without a second thought.

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