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𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 her own car to the compound not long after Addie had arrived herself and settled into her new room. Tony had instructed the new Avengers to stay away from her for a while, so she was able to fully take in her new surroundings; the girl was not used to change. However, despite Stark's warning, Wanda had decided she needed to see Adelaide. Her mind burned with the need for her presence within it, and Wanda could no longer deny it's pleads. So she stood outside Addie's new room, patiently waiting with her conscious open and exposed, inviting for Adelaide to wander inside; She did so. Wanda exhaled sharply at her sudden existence inside her head, which was met with a comforting relaxation from Adelaide.

'You're home.' Wanda spoke through thoughts and unfinished questions, until all were pieced together to form a statement. Adelaide opened her door, exposing Wanda's position standing outside. The dark haired girl looked upon her friend as she sat on her bed, cross legged.

'I'm home, yes.' Adelaide confirmed, eyes setting upon Wanda's familiar presence as she walked towards her and sat herself down on the soft bedsheets, so close to Adelaide that their skin brushed against each other. 'If someone told me the compound was this nice, I would've moved sooner.' Addie joked. Wanda stared into her blue eyes, thoughts swirling over the bridge between their consciousnesses; Thoughts that made Adelaide's heart rate quicken, to Wanda's ignorance. She hadn't realised she'd shared her train of thought until she felt Adelaide's retaliation at the thought.

Although the feeling was there, lingering like a bitter sweet in Wanda's mind, she couldn't decipher it properly and just decided to run with what she had been thinking, and unknowingly shared with Adelaide. Wanda leant forward on the bed, pressing her arm behind Adelaide on the bed and pressed her lips against Adelaide's. But the girl recoiled at the advance, her face painted with fear. Fear of herself. Wanda heard that first, then words that were spoken across not their minds, but uttered out loud.

'We can't.' Adelaide explained, Wanda's face turning a blush pink at the embarrassment. 'I'll just hurt you, I'll kill you like I killed Clint.' She spat in horror and disgust of herself. Wanda leant back into herself and looked at Adelaide with sadness.

'You're not going to hurt me. You won't.' Wanda said, brushing her hand against Adelaide's face and smiling gently. Her hand soon left her face as instead she gripped her own throat in pain, as shadow swirled around it. Adelaide's body didn't move at all, it didn't need to as she forced the black swirls to her will.

'Don't you see? I can't control it, Wands. I want to, believe me I wish I could. But I just can't.' The grip got stronger on Wanda's neck and her eyes widened and pleaded with Adelaide, who's expression stayed blank. 'God I don't want to hurt you, but you just couldn't understand.' Adelaide got up from her bed, and looked towards her door, releasing her grip from Wanda. She sputtered and coughed, gripping her red neck in pain before looking up at Addie.

'Look I was pissed off because of what was between you and my brother. But I can help you, just let me.' Wanda pleaded, but she was met with a hollow laugh from Adelaide as she whipped back around to face the girl. Her face was slapped with pity as she gazed upon Wanda, still sat on her bed.

'You can help me? You think you can help me?' Her voice raised, shadow dripping and seeping from her eyes. 'You think anyone can control this? Control me? They can't, Wanda!' Items from around her newly unpacked room began to rise into the air in her anger. Wanda's face laced with fear, as did her thoughts which pierced Adelaide's mind and poisoned her feelings.

'You can control it, I believe that, Adelaide I do.' Wanda assured as Adelaide shook her head, dropping the items back to where they originated. Adelaide's eyes looked down at Wanda.

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