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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐃 to fly by, with Adelaide slowly getting more used to the tower, and used to the whole team. She had been introduced to them fairly early on, joining them on several missions, but she'd never been much help. She'd been too afraid to throw that punch, or to even defend herself, which sometimes meant her getting shot or stabbed multiple times, causing a tizzy among the Avengers.

The months turned into years, and soon the team was fully functional, taking out HYDRA bases and searching for Loki's Sceptre so it could be returned to Asgard. Adelaide liked the sound of Asgard, as Thor had described it vividly to her.

'...and I would insist they call you Lady Adelaide-
What's your last name?' Thor suddenly pondered, attempting to be as precise as he could in his description.

'Thane.' Adelaide replied coolly.

'Thane! Lady Adelaide Thane. Oh and the fruits are the most exceptionally delicious...' He blabbered on for a while, and Adelaide thought to herself about how their view would change of her if they knew what that name meant. But then she stopped thinking, as it was too painful a thought and instead listened in absolute awe of this mysterious utopia she longed to visit.

This time they would be going to Sokovia, a small country near Russia, but first breakfast was in order.

'Addie, honey! Breakfast is ready!' Pepper Potts called down the hallway to where her sort-of-daughter was sleeping. The emphasis is on the 'was' in this statement.

Adelaide rolled around onto her front and groaned slightly as she began to wake up. She pulled a pillow on top of her head in an effort to drown out the noise of JARVIS alerting her that Miss Potts would be entering her room. The door creaked open and Pepper's soft voice cooed to Adelaide as she attempted to pretend to be asleep.

'Adelaide, I got some of the staff to pick up your favourite cereal, it's in the kitchen.' She whispered, just leaning through the door. Adelaide groaned again before she finally rose out of her bed and wandered past Pepper and into the quiet hallway.

She sat down on a large stool at an island in the middle of the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and spoon, staring out of the large window down on the view of the city. She began pouring her cereal into her bowl as Tony walked in, talking to JARVIS as he sat down and grabbed a bowl as well.

'JARVIS, I want a full brief ready for the team.' Tony sloppily commanded as he began tipping some milk into his bowl, and submerging the chocolatey cereal beneath.

'Right away, Sir' JARVIS replied. Adelaide had slowly gotten used to the AI, she'd even grown to like it, with it's monotone voice and helpful nature. A couple of times Adelaide had tasked JARVIS with things, which she thoroughly enjoyed.

The Quinjet was loud. Nat clasped Adelaide's arm and their black suits clung to each other; Nat knew Adelaide hated flying, so she always tried to make the experience as stress free as possible. It worked most of the time, but due to some incidents regarding some suppressed memories and an angsty teen, the Quinjet's metal housing was cracked and dented in some areas, due to small accidents.

Adelaide tried to smile as Nat reminded her that the team would protect her in Sokovia, no matter what. To be honest, Adelaide sometimes didn't even understand why they brought her along; she didn't add anything to the team, she barely used her powers and she usually just sat up in a tree or by a window in a building, watching the fight from above. Maybe one day they all just hoped she'd suddenly decide ^Hey, maybe today I will use my powers to their full extent!^. However, Adelaide came to the conclusion that maybe they just didn't understand that she'd never use them again. Not after what happened.

They landed fairly swiftly, and they all geared up before heading out to the outskirts of the city. The Iron Legion were on standby, and Bruce was beginning to get angry.

'Alright, everyone, let's go kick ass.' Clint implored, as he placed his bow over his shoulder. Nat smiled and the team ran off into the snow covered woods, scattering like starlings.

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