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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 singing karaoke, fuelled mostly by Quill and Drax, Mantis clapping along and Gamora sat atop a table aboard the ship. Mostly 80s songs played, and Quill knew every word and often grabbed onto Gamora's hands and pulled her in to dance with him. Groot looked positively confused at the whole debacle, and went back to watching his show on his small tablet thing. Gamora had been searching for her long lost sister for a while now, quietly and not including the rest of the crew. She'd managed to get her hands on a power tracker, some sort of machine that when it felt a surge of power, would pinpoint it's epicentre. So far, no leads.

Until a significantly large surge came from Terra, the place where Peter was abducted from years and years ago by the late Yondu. Rocket had heard the beeping from where he sat away from the hubbub of the singing and dancing.

'Ayo, Gamora? This beepy bappy thing is beeping again.' He pointed to underneath him, where on the screen was large letters that read:

𝗖𝗢-𝗢𝗥𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗔𝗧𝗘𝗦: 𝗟𝗢𝗡 51.4210 𝗟𝗔𝗧 12.2352

Gamora jumped out of her boyfriend's arms and rushed to Rocket's new seat. She crouched and tapped on the small screen, zapping it to where the co-ordinates read. Terra, indeed. She turned her head to where Quill now stood imbetween a dancing Drax and Mantis. He smiled faintly, happy that Gamora still had hope after so long.

'This can be the last time, I promise.' She said, smiling at him. He sighed.

'Gamora, you said that the last eight times. You're positive about this one?' He asked. She got up and walked to Quill, laying her hands on his face.

'I'm positive, just.... please?' She begged, and with a small nod of his head, the music was brought with them to each of their respective seats in the front of the ship. Drax laughed.

'Are we going on another useless trip?' The genuine curiosity was evident in his tone, but still Peter slapped his arm. 'Ow!'

'No, idiot, we're going to find her.' Quill mostly spoke to himself, assuring that this wild goose chase would be over. He wasn't convinced, however he kept his smile upon his face and set the co-ordinates on the ship's navigation.

The ship blasted past stars and planets, until finally the guardians were above Earth. They flew down, aware of where the blast of power had originated and began their descent. Within moments, their eyes landed upon a wrecked airport, and multiple soldiers, one of which hovered over a girl; around seventeen or eighteen, with blazing white hair. Gamora didn't realise it was her at first, until they got low enough. The bottom hatch opened, and Rocket went down with Gamora; he aimed a gun at all the soldiers and they immediately turned their focus to him.

'Right, assholes, any of you move this gun shoots a bullets in each of your heads. At the same time.' The soldiers wisely didn't move a muscle as Gamora hopped off the lowered platform and knelt aside a red-head, who was sobbing. Wanda turned her head to see the woman who had abruptly appeared, and instantly knew her from Adelaide's memories.

'You?' She seethed through her teeth, and now given the opportunity, she grasped onto Adelaide and held her close. 'I don't care who you think you are to her, but you're not taking her from me.' Wanda tried to promise, stroking Adelaide's white hair again, tears dripping from her face. Gamora held onto Adelaide's hand and tried to pulled her towards her body.

'Let go. Now.' Gamora commanded, glancing at the collar around Wanda's neck and making an assumption she hoped was true. 'I'm stronger than you when you've that collar on, so don't let this get bloody.' Challenge glinted in Wanda's eyes and she kept Adelaide close to her. Gamora rolled her eyes, and stood up. She made her way to behind Wanda, and despite the Sokovians attempts at removing Gamora from that position, Gamora placed Wanda in a choke hold with ease.

'Drax!' She called to her friend upon the ship, and as she held Wanda still, Drax picked up Adelaide and strode back into the ship. Wanda screamed and screamed, thrashing at Gamora and trying to escape her clutches.

'Adelaide! Addie! Get the fuck off me or I swear to God I'll rip your teeth out!' Wanda shouted, and as soon as Adelaide was secured in the ship, Gamora let go and jumped back onto the ship. Rocket withdrew and the soldiers immediately aimed their guns at the ships and at Wanda, who now sobbed and stayed where she was in fear of being shot.

'I'm sorry.' Gamora breathed, the lie leaving a lump in her throat. She sat beside Adelaide on the chair Drax had laid her on, and the ship immediately began to move and shift as they flew off of the planet and back where Adelaide belonged, between the stars.

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The back of her head pounded, the pain making her wince as she slowly opened her eyes. The cold interior of the ship instantly surprised her and she jolted from the hard seat she lay on. A hand landed upon her lap, in an attempt to calm her as worrisome shadow dripped from her eyes. She looked to her left and saw that familiar face, those eyes. Gamora.

'Mor?' Adelaide breathed in confusion, rubbing her eyes as if not believing what they told. 'Shit I'm dreaming.' Adelaide's head shook, but that hand squeezed in reassurance.

'You got cool.' Gamora assessed. Adelaide laughed in relief as a response and the girls pulled each other in for a hug, which lasted a few seconds before Adelaide pulled away to look at their surroundings. Her brows furrowed.

'Where the hell are we?' She asked, and a man driving at the front of the ship called back.

'You're in my ship! It's nice to meet you finally, I'm Peter.' Adelaide looked at Gamora, who nodded. She gazed out the front window at that beautiful scenery she missed. The familiarity of it all, of the stars and the blanket of darkness that fell over the ship as they sailed easily along the waters of space. This time it was not man nor animal that spoke.

'I am Groot.' A small voice said from in a chair beside Peter. Then a small face came from beside the being, named Groot, a raccoon looking being.

'He said welcome to the fucking Guardians of the Galaxy.'

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