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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 above from the large spaceships in the lower sky caused a ruckus among the army of heroes, as doors opened and large gear looking contraptions scraped into the fertile Wakandan land. The warriors looked up, Natasha grasping Adelaide's hand tighter signalling for her to gaze where her eyes settled. Adelaide's eyes averted to the machines now hurtling towards them and flicking dirt from their blades, spinning. The two girls got up off of the floor, and surveyed their surroundings, unaware of the fastening speed of the machines.

Okoye looked above the girls as they looked upon her, above at one of the machines sounding so loud that Adelaide thought her ears might succumb to the noise before she even got the chance to turn around. Her blue eyes were fixated on Okoye and they were filled with fear as Natasha pounced atop of Adelaide, sheltering her head from the impact she thought was to come. Adelaide's fear and anticipation of death sent something across the tether between her and Wanda, a summons of sort. And as if Wanda had been waiting for such a command, she appeared in a whirl of scarlet smoke, hair brilliant and suit fitting.

Screaming tore the air as the metal scratched against itself while Wanda diverted the course of the contraptions to the pack of Outriders, their minds set on killing their creator. Their blood stained the metal a dark blue, and an exhausted Wanda sat herself down next to where Adelaide and Natasha huddled.

'Saving your ass again, sweetheart." Wanda breathed, giggling slightly at her own joke. Adelaide rolled her eyes, chuckling slightly as she stayed holding onto Natasha's vest. All four of them got up, Okoye sighing.

'Why was she up there all this time?" Okoye shook her head and pointed up to where Shuri and Vision were, Natasha shot her a tired smile. When Adelaide finally got the chance to look at Wanda properly, all she saw was her making; the thoughts of the past racing inside her head as if her own.

She'll be perfect for me.
She'll be everything I'd ever want.

Adelaide couldn't bear to return the smile Wanda gave to her, which made a ripple of concern float across their connection. Addie simply stood up, and put out a hand for Natasha which she took and when she was on her feet, brushed off the vest she had on. Adelaide eyed it.

'It's cute.' She acknowledged, looking at the design. Natasha looked up quickly at her, eyes flicking from the garment to Adelaide's gaze. She cleared her throat.

'Thanks, it's uh very helpful. The pockets, you know.?" Adelaide nodded, and turned to Wanda and helped her up. Wanda bundled Adelaide up in her arms, brushing her lips against Adelaide's. She smiled when she pulled back.

'Shall we go kick some alien ass?" Addie asked, gripping the ties of Wanda's corset and pulling her close so their noses were just touching. Wanda giggled and grabbed Adelaide's hand to take her somewhere where they could fight, but as they turned Proxima was already there, hitting Wanda down into a ditch before either girl could react. Adelaide quickly ran to Wanda's side, holding a hand to her rib where a large gash now was.

'Shit.' Adelaide hissed, her hand hovering over the top of Wanda's wound. Bits of skin began to reach across the bloody scrape and try to connect with the other side and close up the wound, and Adelaide was doing an okay job of healing her girlfriend before Proxima easily pushed her over with the end of her large weapon. She laughed as she did it, watching Adelaide topple over. Her blue eyes were filled to the brim with fury as she questioned Proxima as the woman hovered above the girls. 'Where is Vision?' Proxima's smile grew.

'He will die alone, as will your friend. Or... is she more than that? Don't answer, I can tell when you lie and if she's what I think she is, I'll take even more pleasure in making her beg for the mercy of death.' Proxima's grin turned into a wide beam as she grabbed Wanda by the hair, who screamed as she tried to claw at Proxima's clawed hands, before nearly losing consciousness thanks to loss of blood. Adelaide attempted to use her powers to release Wanda from the alien's hold, but that small bit of healing had taken a lot out of her, and only small wisps of shadow and power leached from her skin. A voice came from beside them.

'But she's not alone?' Adelaide's head turned to see Natasha tilting her head and smiling, nodding towards Okoye on the other side, spear in hand at Proxima's throat. Natasha threw her leg up and kicked the woman in the throat, making her drop Wanda. Adelaide scrambled to her, wiping mud off of Wanda's face and trying to keep her awake, fingers twirling and spinning as she connected the skin and healed Wanda.

'Addie?' Wanda became limp in Adelaide's arms, eyelids drooping as above them Proxima was pushed back so far she was carved up by a spinning machine, blue blood splattering into Adelaide's hair, making her blink and open her mouth in disgust.

Her eyes filled with tears as she looked to Natasha. 'If I heal her... It'll take up so much of my power I won't be able to fight for a good hour or two!' Adelaide looked from Wanda to the battlefield before feeling a hand on her shoulder and Nat looking down to her with a snails upon her face.

'All of us against Thanos? We won't even need you, help her.' She uttered, pushing Adelaide forward a bit.

Adelaide pushed inside Wanda's head to wake her up, which worked as she finished off healing the girl. 'God!' Wanda cursed as she looked to where her wound once was, wincing with the pain of stretching skin and suppressing blood. She reached her hand out and grabbed onto Adelaide's leg as she knelt, squeezing with the pain. Adelaide chuckled awkwardly.

'That hurts, love.' She breathed, and Wanda winced and apologised. The girls got up, Wanda leaning a bit on Adelaide as the white haired girl tried to click her fingers and produce a bit of shadow, but nothing appeared. Wanda whispered silent comforts into Adelaide's head and telling her she just needed a rest, she'd be fine. All lies.

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