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'𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄 out of that room someday, Steve.' Natasha spoke, staring through the window to Wanda's room. The red-head sat on her bed, back to them and facing the TV as it covered the footage of what had happened at the airport. Of the people that stole away Adelaide. Steve sighed, rubbing his brows with his thumb.

'I know. Give her time, Nat. She's grieving.' Steve couldn't bear to look at Wanda, her utter idleness a searing cold in her heart. Pietro was back home, but soon they'd all need to leave as the government was looking for them. The silver haired boy had to hear second hand about Adelaide, not from Wanda as she hadn't spoken to anyone since her arrival, except once to Pietro. It's so quiet, isn't it? Was all she said, and Pietro sobbed next to her, nodding onto her shoulder and muttering consoling words.

'She hasn't got time, Steve.' Natasha felt like yelling, but instead she spoke it, nearly whispered it, but the venom still entwining her tone.

'Let her come to us.'


Adelaide sat up, a blanket thrown over her legs and Gamora rubbed circles on her back, comforting the sickness Adelaide felt hovering over her.

'I haven't been up here in years.' Adelaide said to her shaking legs, and Gamora nodded, the circle getting bigger until down near the bottom right of Adelaide's back, her hand fell through. As if a hole was in her back.

'What the fuck?' Gamora tried to lift Adelaide's t shirt she now wore, replacing the leathers, but the white haired girl snapped around to face Gamora, a small expression of fear.

'Don't.' She commanded, and Gamora's hand retreated. Confusion stained her face.

'What is that? Does being on Terra make you hollow or something?' Gamora questioned, reaching again for her shirt and this time Adelaide pressed her hand against Gamora's, truly halting her movement.

'Let me show you it. And don't touch.' Gamora kept her eyes on Adelaide as she spoke, and as she faced her, Adelaide slipped off her shirt, leaving her in a sports bra. She looked normal from the front, but when she turned Gamora's face screwed up. A large portion of Adelaide's lower back was filled with stars, as if her flesh had been torn out and replaced with the same space around them.

'Holy Gods.' Gamora breathed, putting her hand out, but a swift warning from Adelaide made her hand retreat, but her eyes stayed fixed on the shifting and moving stars in the place of Adelaide's back. Tears swelled in the teenagers eyes.

'When I put my hand out in front of this stone, the one in my friend's head, an infinity stone, like the one father has been looking for. I felt a shooting pain in my back and then when I turned to look when I took a small fighting break.' Adelaide sighed and looked to her back. 'This.' The stars swirled and shifted, and even though it looked like you would be able to see through the space between each shiny light, there was utter darkness instead of Adelaide's tan skin. Darkness that seemed to envelop the light that shone towards her.

'It's.... beautiful.' Adelaide grabbed her shirt and tugged it back on, not wanting any of the other guardians to see, but they were all occupied doing one thing or the other. She'd met them all, each of them having their quirks, Peter being the strangest out of the bunch, slowly followed by Mantis, who'd laid her hand on Adelaide in an attempt to know what she felt. When she'd got comfortable again in her shirt, Adelaide sat back and pulled the covers again over her.

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