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𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 scarlet energy at Adelaide, hitting her chest and sending her backwards, toppling over herself. She landed gently on her feet, her magic aiding her in her soft landing. Wanda scoffed at her, not noticing the dark shadow creeping across the floor, swirls of black and dark mauve shot up Wanda's leg, pulling her down onto the floor.

Adelaide tried to jump onto Wanda, to keep her in place where she lay, but Wanda diverted her body with a red grasp of magic around Adelaide's waist. Adelaide instead, landed a few feet away from Wanda, giving the red head time to get up and resume her stance.

Her feet were planted, and as Adelaide got up, Wanda fired multiple blasts of energy towards her, most deflected by a shield Adelaide formed in front of herself. Wanda sent a blast towards Adelaide's feet, in hopes of knocking her down, but the silver haired girl leapt into the air, letting her shields down and flipping backwards; Her hands shot shadow as she was in mid air, catching Wanda by surprise and sending her to the floor onto her back.

Within moments, and before Wanda could react, Adelaide flung herself towards Wanda, landing on top of her and pinning her onto the floor.

She crafted a small dagger from her anti matter, that seared tiny hairs on Wanda's neck as Adelaide threatened her; Wanda didn't dare to move, so she lay, panting on the floor from exhilaration, a look of annoyance slapped upon her pretty face.

'Okay, that's enough you two. Adelaide, let her go.' Steve spoke through a speaker, but Adelaide didn't budge; Instead, she let her thoughts swirl around Wanda's conscious.

'I'm sorry.' Adelaide confessed, swiping her hair from one side of her face to the other as she learnt close to Wanda's face.

'Then stay. For once, please.' Wanda pleaded, her eyes filled with longing. Addie smiled gently, her hand still touching Wanda's throat.

'You know I can't do that.' She tugged herself off of Wanda, getting up in one swift motion and turning her back, she walked over to the training room door.

'Coward.' Wanda softly reprimanded, whipping Adelaide around, her pride hurt.

'Say that again. Out loud, Wanda.' Adelaide commanded, and Wanda got up, not breaking eye contact.

'Coward. You won't hurt me, Adelaide. You won't. I trust you.' Wanda spoke, but all Adelaide did was turn towards the glass, where all the New Avengers were still staring.

'Problem solved, people. She trusts me, problem solved.' Sarcasm choked Adelaide's throat as she laughed hollowly, gesturing towards the red head. Her expression wasn't too indifferent to Adelaide's, a small frown, an injured ego.

'Oh shut it, the both of you. Next up, Pietro and Vision.' Steve instructed, and the girls left the training room.


Wanda didn't knock when she burst into Adelaide's room that afternoon. She was angry, of course she was. She had pent up anger that she wasn't able to angle at Stark, seeing as the bed he had just given her was better than any other she had ever had. She couldn't yell at Pietro, and tell him all the things she wanted to say, about how she was in love with Adelaide. And she definitely couldn't start getting annoyed at Vision, they'd become swift friends and she didn't want to ruin that.

So the last person she thought she needed to shout at for a bit was Adelaide. At lunch, all was well. No one bothered anyone else, everyone laughed and joked and all seemed alright. To everyone spectating of course, however in their minds the two girls were fighting their feelings mercilessly. Their feelings for one another, Adelaide's feelings for Pietro - which she kept very hidden from a prying Wanda.

Adelaide looked up from where she was reading on her bed as Wanda stormed into her room. She shot her head up as the door bashed open, her lips parted in confusion.

'What the fu-'

'You. God I need to talk to you.' Wanda interrupted Adelaide as she expressed herself. Wanda stood at the foot of Adelaide's bed, hair up in a large clip. 'What you did in training, it sucked. You didn't need to humiliate me like that just because you're too much of a pussy to get ahold of yourself. You know I can protect myself.' Wanda's face contorted into different annoyed and frustrated expressions.

All Adelaide did in response was nod slowly, before shutting her book and setting down next to her as she sat cross legged. She sighed, looking at her hands in her lap. She spoke, not gazing up at all until she was finished.

'I need time, Wanda. I need time to figure out all these emotions I feel because frankly, I've never felt anything like it before.' Adelaide confessed, her face tinted rose. Wanda's face turned dead straight.

'Emotions for who?' Wanda asked, acting innocent. Adelaide's head propped backwards in alarm and confusion.

'What?' Adelaide responded.

'Emotions for me or my brother?' Adelaide's breath was knocked out of her body, afraid to answer in fear of hurting Wanda. But the Scarlet Witch had already been hurt, the damage was done. Wanda's face twisted with hurt. 'Yeah, you meant those emotions. I thought so. Well pry around in my mind, Adelaide, because my emotions are laid bare for you. Everything is laid bare for you, it always will be.' She didn't have the strength to say anything more, and left the girl sitting still, alone on her room as the white door clicked shut with Wanda's depart.

She sobbed quietly and gently when she returned to the sanctuary of her own bedroom, careful as to not alert anyone of her sorrow.


'So what? I don't understand.' Pietro said to Adelaide, his eyes scanning her face for a hint at what she meant. The girl scoffed and adjusted her position as she stood in front of him in his room.

'Jesus Christ, Speedy Gonzales, I'm thanking you.' Adelaide laughed, and Pietro let out an 'Ohhh' of realisation.

'Well I'm honoured, when has the famous Adelaide Thane ever said thankyou?' He joked, standing up so he faced Adelaide as she stared into the pools of green that were his eyes.

'So you've forgiven me then?' She asked, awaiting an answer she hoped for.

'Yes, I have forgiven you. But you have to know that I'm in love with you. Even if you choose her, even if Wanda is who you want, I won't sulk in a pit of sorrow, I'll move on.' The silver boy revealed, no look of apology, just him.

'That's what I'd want for you.' Adelaide affirmed, nodding at him. She was about to say something else too, but she was interrupted by Pietro, his hand slipping behind her neck and he pulled her close towards him. He brushed his lips against hers, and instead of pulling away like she did with Wanda, she melted into the kiss, her hand running through his platinum hair.

When he pulled away, Adelaide's eyes stayed closed until he spoke. 'I at least wanted to know what it would be like to kiss you, even just the once, or as the start of something incredible.' Pietro removed his hand from where is held Adelaide, and smiled, before Adelaide's name was called from downstairs in the compound.

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