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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 large, as it lived in her memory. Thanos walked with her to her old living quarters, unchanged since she'd last lived there. Thanos had demanded a bath for her to clean her up, and then had the servants pick out an outfit for her. She soaked for hours in the bath, the tub black and the water cold. Adelaide cleaned herself up, scrubbing her hair and body, being careful when exposing bits of herself so as not to show her star flecked body.

She dried herself off, and then walked around her quarters. She had the biggest room of all Thanos' children, a huge bed with black sheets and art on the wall. The outfit she'd been given was a white dress, small but not revealing. She slipped it on, dried her hair and lay it down her back, covering her neck. Thankfully the dress covered her back fully, no sign of the endless void beneath.

Adelaide walked through the halls, anyone she passed falling onto their knee and bowing their heads. She didn't acknowledge or even look at them as she walked into the thrown room, Thanos sat upon his chair as dark as night. He smiled triumphantly at the sight of her, Adelaide's skin crawled as her eyes met Ebony Maw's. But she held her head high and took her place next to Thanos, at his side.

Thanos looked to all the servants and soldiers in the room with them, and shouted. 'My child has returned, I suggest you bow to my second in command.' Adelaide smirked as the men and women dropped to their knees at the sight of her. She joked with her family, promising she'd beat them all to shit in a duel. Maw didn't doubt it, the rest of them challenged her.

But as she walked out and finally made it back to her room, Adelaide dropped to the floor, hands running through her hair as she cried and cried for hours. She wrapped herself in her covers and thought about how Wanda was, what she would be doing on Earth right now.

She thought maybe she'd finally be with Pietro, or maybe she'd still be in the hands of those soldiers. Adelaide hadn't tried to reach her mind, thought it impossible. But in that moment, with the sadness consuming her, Wanda felt something as she lay in bed. A tinge of feeling that was not her own. A familiar presence in her mind, small but lingering.

Adelaide was unable to speak to her, she was unaware she was in her mind at all until Wanda sent a flash of comfort to her. That made Adelaide sob even more, as she knew exactly who that was. Wanda sat up, sending images to Adelaide, images of Pietro and Natasha and how she was okay.

Wanda sprung out of bed, grabbing onto Pietro's long sleeve top. He scowled as she pulled him out of the chair in her room and out the door.

'Hey! What's up?' Pietro called, trying not to show his anger in his voice. When they got into the small living room of the apartment, Wanda danced around and Pietro joined in. They laughed hysterically before Pietro finally grabbed Wanda and steadied her. 'What is it!?' He asked again and she simply beamed so much that her smile lit up Pietro's face.

'I heard her, felt her, Pietro.' She admitted and carried on laughing. Pietro smiled too then, and held her again.

'Show me?' He asked, and she nodded, placing her hands on his head and shooting small wisps of scarlet into his head. His eyes lit up at the sound of her, first eyes dimming at her sadness, then glowing with her happy surprise of Wanda's presence. He giggled, and Wanda danced again. Both twins the happiest they'd ever been.

The blazing cold woke Adelaide early in the morning. She'd been used to space getting colder as it became nighttime, as the sun went behind the nearest planet, BD-76, and no longer warmed her quarters. Adelaide knew the schedule for today, she helped plan it as Thanos' second, so she got out of the comforts of her bed and placed on the typical daily attire she'd used to wear. The servants had replaced her old clothes with new ones, the same style and same white, but bigger, to fit her not-so-twelve year old body.

Adelaide knew the paths of the ship better than any, and she made her way to the large training room. Maw was already stood there, hands behind his back and his usual snarl upon his face. At least someone wasn't too scared to voice their opinions in this place.

'Adelaide.' He acknowledged as she walked in the room. She smiled at him passive aggressively.

'Maw, oh how I missed our little sessions when I was away.' A mask, that's what Adelaide needed to wear when she was on this ship. She couldn't let anyone know where she had been, or who she knew or what she'd become. So she faked it.

'Where did you go, little sister?' Maw asked, rubbing his fingertips together. Adelaide shrugged.

'I galaxy hopped, went to see some shamans, for high on a few things. Hey have you ever tried botanical restinbold? That's the good stuff.' She smirked and Maw's eyes clouded over, as if half expecting such an answer.

'Well today we shall resume your continued search for the end of your abilities. Let's try see if you can shape-shift.' Maw's expression lightened a slight as he spoke out his plan as Adelaide tried to play it off, despite the fact she was scared, very scared of what may happen if she tried such a thing. 'Let's start off simple, craft another finger, replicate the one beside where you want it to form.' Adelaide put out her hand.

She settled for between her pointer finger and her middle finger, and she stared at the spot she wished it to form. 'Imagine it growing there, imagine what it would look like and feel like.' Maw instructed, and Adelaide did so, she imagined the finger sprouting out of her hand, forming. Until she was no longer imagining it, and the extra finger was there.

Maw smiled from ear to ear. 'Next, we get a little bigger. How about wings?'

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