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𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊𝐒 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐒 upon the Sanctuary II, each and every night was a terror. Adelaide woke in cold sweats, being comforted only by that lingering presence of Wanda. In training sessions with Maw, she narrowed her skills of telepathy with him, creating impenetrable mental shields. She strengthened her ability to talk in other people's consciousnesses across vast distances, more for Wanda and her than anything else.

A simple afternoon was when she first made thought and feelings words.

'What's the weather like, Wan?' Adelaide's voice rung clear and true and Wanda nearly jumped in her skin at the sound of it. She lay in her bed, Pietro at her side in his chair as always; he stayed asleep thankfully.

'It's nighttime, Adelaide. Sleep.' Was Wanda's reply. Adelaide rolled her eyes and Wanda could've sworn she'd seen it.

'Not for me it's not, it's the afternoon here, or at least that's what everyone's saying. You can't tell when your in space.' Adelaide explained, and Wanda truly was awake at that sentence. Her eyes sparkled with wonder and her thoughts trembled with it too, Adelaide felt that much.

'That's where you are? In.... space?' Wanda asked, and Adelaide sent a nod into her mind. Adelaide could hear and feel the curiosity and awe splash in Wanda's head. 'What's it like?'

'Cold, most of the time. Layers, a girl's best friend. Lonely sometimes, depends where abouts you are.' Adelaide told, and a question sparked in Wanda's mind.

'Where exactly are you?' Wanda asked, and felt a chuckle on the other end of the connection. Adelaide lay on her bed, tired after training.

'I'm at my Father's home.' She responded, and curiosity spiked again in Wanda's conscious.

'Not your home?' Wanda's eyes grew slightly teary at the sound of Adelaide's familiar voice.

'If I was home, you'd be here. You're my home, my Scarlet Witch. Don't you go forgetting that.' Adelaide spoke gently, easily. Wanda choked on a tear, Pietro stirred. He didn't wake.

'I miss you, it's been so long. ' Wanda barely got out. Adelaide sent thoughts of comforts and love.

'And I you, two years apart, I'll see you soon.' Adelaide closed her shields, and even though she couldn't shut Wanda out fully, she'd probably never be able to do that, she loved having Wanda there, it was a comfort.

She took a nap, there was nothing else to do.


It took four days for the ship to move from where it stayed idle. Adelaide practically stormed out of her room, with her father absent for the last few weeks she wondered why the vessel moved without her permission. She turned the corner into the large office, where generals and war men sat. They were all bigger than her for sure, but she stood at the head of the table, hands resting on it.

'Does someone want to explain who authorised the movement of this ship?' She looked from one face to the next, each seeming unfazed by her sudden appearance and command. 'Lest I remind you why I am Thanos' second in command?' She looked from each of them again, and finally one spoke up.

'Because you're his favourite?' He was young, older than her, but the youngest general. Lots to learn, and the others sniggered not at his joke, but his stupidity. Adelaide smirked, and shadow appeared at the general's neck, slowly singeing his neck.

'No. It is because I am the second most powerful being in the universe, second to him, my father. I have been through hell to get back here, so I'll ask again. Who authorised the movement of this ship?' Adelaide's words pierced the air, and the young general pointed to behind her. She looked, letting go of him and her eyes met with her father's.

She dropped to a knee. 'Father, I was unaware of your sudden arrival.' He walked past her, and to the war table, leaving her bowed in his presence. She noticed as he passed, that the gauntlet he wore now adorned a purple stone, one which made her tense up as she heard it's whispers again as he left.

Fate pulls us, did you create that too? Was fate another one of your many creations? As was the un....

'Don't mind her, I'll have to keep her on a tighter leash.' Thanos said to the generals, and they all laughed hysterically. Adelaide got up off the floor, and walked out the room, but was called after. 'Shut the door? And they say you're the polite one...' Thanos muttered, and Adelaide did as she was told. They didn't tell her where they were going, they didn't even bother to tell her where Thanos and her siblings were going when they left the ship.

She only felt the presence of a certain stone, she wasn't close enough to feel a pain anywhere in her body, or the whispers it was likely speaking. Only the person that held it.

Loki. Then Thanos. Then that gauntlet that she'd seen him adorn, with the power stone in it from a few weeks ago. Adelaide hated what happened next. The surge of pain that flooded her mind. She wanted to block it out, but the pains were so strong that she was unable to quieten them.

She knew that scream anywhere, that pained noise. Thor. Her skin rippled at the sound of it, and her newly equipped wings stretched at her back, eager to break free and save whatever was upset and hurting so much. So much power, yet powerless.

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