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𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐇 is what woke Adelaide and Wanda from their sleep. They were curled up on the grey couch, limbs entangled and Vision sat calmly on another sofa opposite as he monitored both girls. The first crash was small, in the distance, and Vision wasn't too bothered by it. The second, however, was loud and ear threatening and both women woke with a start.

'Shit.' Adelaide hissed as her forehead collided with Wanda's. 'I'm sorry.' Wanda giggled slightly, still half asleep as Vision floated effortlessly to the window to get a view at what had occurred. Soon enough both Wanda and Adelaide had gotten up to investigate too, Wanda falling slightly in her sleepy haze; Adelaide didn't even look back on her way to Vision's side as she sent shadow curling around the witch's waist, catching her with no effort at all and scooping her onto her feet.

'Show off.' Was all Wanda said as she wandered over to the window as well, startled by the large fire gathering from the epicentre of the crash. Vision looked out across the grounds of the compound, surveying and working out how best to sort out the issue.

'Stay here, please.' Was all he calmly said before phasing through the wall of the compound and floating off to the site of the explosion.

A quiet noise, almost inaudible came from behind the girls, making their ears prick upwards and small warnings and thoughts were sent down their connection. Did you hear that? What was it? Should I turn around? Stay here I'll handle it. No you get cover, god knows what-

Wanda entangled a sharp knife on the counter behind them in her scarlet grasp and sent it hurtling towards the source of the sound, and as both girls whipped around Adelaide was the first to see Sam standing, wings tucked behind his back. Wanda's swirling magic was halted by Adelaide's shadow, and the knife tip held Wilson's brow.

'Hello to you two too.' Sam swiped the knife onto the floor as Adelaide let out a swift sigh of relief. She walked swiftly toward him, Wanda close behind and wrapped him into a hug.

'Jesus Christ we thought you were someone else. Stark locked us in here, fucking typical.' Adelaide hissed through her teeth as she pulled away from Sam.

'Right we've got to get going, Steve's with Bucky, we're meeting them there. I'm driving.' Sam turned around to leave, Adelaide rushing around after him towards the door.

'No.' The small voice in Adelaide's head rang, and she turned around to see Wanda standing still, pulling at her sleeves and looking to the ground. Sam stopped too then, a sort of annoyed expression on his face.

'I- C'mon, Wanda we've gotta go.' His arms were thrown up into the air in frustration. Adelaide's concern for the girl was sent across their bond, and Wanda acknowledged it with the softest touch.

'I've already caused too much damage.' She practically whispered, as an angry Vision phased through the wall behind her. She didn't look backwards as she sensed the stone in his head.

'Sam, leave Adelaide where she is and go.' His command was spoken clearly, with resonance. Sam rolled his eyes, as did Adelaide.

'You talk about me, you talk to me. I'm not some object Vision, I'll do what I like whether you or Sam or anyone condones it.' Her face was written with disgust at the mechanic creature who sighed when she spoke. Sam raised his eyebrows at Vision in agreement at what Addie had said.

'Wands, let's go. There's no time to sit here feeling sorry for yourself. They don't need protecting from you and anyone lays a hand on you...' Adelaide refrained from sharing her thoughts about that particular situation with Wanda, hesitating at her love's words. Adelaide simply put her hand in front of her, ready to hold onto Wanda's hand. 'To my side forever, my scarlet witch.' Wanda looked up at those words, that name, and she walked, walked despite Vision warning her and reprimanding her and when he launched to stop her....

Scarlet entangled his body, stopping him in place and thrashing him violently through the wooden floorboards below them. Sam flinched, eyes widened obviously at the manoeuvre, but Adelaide kept her chin high as she took Wanda's soft, ringed hand and led them both out the door. Sam aside Adelaide, Adelaide beside Wanda, they walked out of the compound foyer, the breeze caught onto the long white hair hanging from Adelaide's high held head.

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