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𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐀 stood next to each other, hands entwined as the breeze flicked their hair and Adelaide crafted a large sword and let it sit on her back. The whole team began walking, slowly at first, but when Tony and his enterage sped up, so did they until both were running, full force. Adelaide jumped into the air, flying and equipping her sword with the blood ruby in the pommel sparkling as she threw it down upon Rhodes. The metal of her blade hit the metal of Rhodes' suit, creating a large scratch.

'Back down, kid.' He warned, Adelaide pressing her sword harder onto the arm of his suit as he blocked her hit. She snarled at him, her mouth arching into a grin. The leathers she wore were different to the usual suits she wore, more worn and ancient looking.

'You tell me to back down, but you're the one with the fear controlling your every move, James.' She withdrew her sword and stood in front of War machine, chest proud and her stance confident. She threw her chin in the air and Rhodes' body flew into the air and crashed into a plane a couple hundred feet away. Adelaide's expression stayed neutral, not a fleck of emotion splayed her face.

'Adelaide.' A small voice was the one that spoke her name, and she turned her head, sword still in hand as it grazed the ground. Her eyes met that of the Spider-man, who walked closer to her, his speed creating a false sense of security as he suddenly whipped his hands forward and sticky web stuck to Adelaide's sword. She gazed down to the where the web had made contact and lifted the sword up over her head as she spun around, taking Peter with her and then slamming him into the hard stone of the ground.

'Run along now.' She commanded, gripping her sword and looking down upon Peter. He scrambled up and put his hands out in apology, swinging away to deal with someone else. She gazed around the airport, seeing multiple people fighting including Wanda; she was holding her own against Natasha, but the agent was harshly trained and managed to swipe Wanda's feet from under her.

Immediately Adelaide was behind Nat, grabbing onto a hunk of her hair and tugging her head back. With her spare hand, she switched her long sword with a dagger, the red gemstone still engraved into it. Adelaide's blade went to Natasha's throat as the agent straddled Wanda's hips, keeping her down. Adelaide brought her mouth to Natasha's ear.

'Don't touch her.' She whispered, the blade skimming Natasha's neck as she breathed huskily. Nat's face was proud, fulfilling, but Adelaide's stayed the same bleak mask. Wanda panted underneath Natasha.

'Yes, soldier.' Natasha's response wasn't defeated, wasn't forced. It was one of triumph, of pride and she removed herself from Adelaide's grasp and got off of Wanda, flicking her hair from her face. 'You have Pietro?' Adelaide stopped and retorted her head. She shook it. 'Shit.' Natasha gave a nod to Adelaide, and Addie returned her gesture with a look in her eye Natasha had never seen before: approval. As if Adelaide was telling her 'It's okay'. Natasha could've sworn she'd heard it too, as the Avengers fell apart around them, as Wanda returned herself to the fight with the family she barely knew, as Adelaide fell apart inside.

But she didn't want Natasha to know that, that weakness. So she turned from her and walked away, dagger now lengthening and broadening to create that sleek sword. Her braided white hair trailed down her back as she began to turn her wall into a jog into a run and then finally she jumped up and used shadows to propel herself through the air.

The flight took her in front of Vision as he hovered above them all, surveying. His eyes looked to Adelaide, her hand free of the blade now as it lay across her back, her hair free flying except for some small braids Wanda had put in when they were in the van. Her eyes, the persistence and clearness of them as she gazed upon the robot.

'Adelaide.' He acknowledged her presence, and that gem seemed to wake up in her presence. 'The stone,' He began, pointing to his forehead. 'it speaks to you, you know. I can't understand it, nor decipher was tongue it speaks. It is not the language of anywhere in this world.' Adelaide was fully prepared to fight Vision, but as they hovered above everyone in the air, circling each other, she listened to him, and tried to listen to the stone.

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