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I sat down and opened to the first page of my old book and began to read.

Dear diary, my name is Y/N Fawly and today is my first day at Hogwarts.

September 1st, 1993

Dear diary, I'm writing to you on the train. I'm sitting in a compartment with some red-headed girl who hasn't stopped talking about Gryffindor and something about her brother's best friend. I'm trying to ignore her but the way she's going on makes me want to scream. She's dressed in robes with red embellishments and she's talking to someone with a similar uniform but in blue. She is the only other person in the train compartment with us, she just walked in a few minutes ago and I'm so glad she did. The red-haired girl has finally stopped talking to me and started babbling to the blond in blue. However, the blond introduced herself to me. She spoke very softly and dreamily said

"Hello I'm sorry to disturb you but I don't recognize you, you aren't in your robes either".

Oh my god, I'm still in my normal clothes. She continued.

"My name is Luna Lovegood and this is Ginny Weasley ".

I told her my name and then they both looked shocked. I asked them why and they told me they know my cousin Sullivan who was at Hogwarts but he finished and left last year. They said they knew him from Quidditch But now he's gone to work at the ministry.

Oh, that reminds me, perfect, another thing, his dad (my uncle) Eustace Fawley is next in line to become minister of magic. Like we really need any more scaredy-cat, push-over Hufflepuffs in office. Mum and dad are both Hufflepuffs, everyone in my family has been for generations. I wanted to get as far away from that as possible, but after what happened last year at Beauxbatton, I landed myself here with a one-way ticket, and saying that I am not happy is an understatement. But going to Beauxbatton wasn't entirely my choice either. yes, I wanted to get away from my family legacy but I didn't know it was that important it that was to my family. I certainly realized it however, when they enrolled me in a school so far away so I couldn't "Tarnish my family's good name"

But after what happened last year that means little to nothing now.

Seriously mum is mad shipping me off here thinking I'll be a good little Hufflepuff perfect like she was, the top of the class and did astounding on her O.W.L.S, She's got another thing coming. If she could have things her way she would either ship me as far away from Hogwarts as she possibly could or place me in Hufflepuff herself.

Dad on the other hand wants me to get into quidditch because as we all know he is the "Best seeker Hufflepuff house has ever seen". I am actually quite interested in quidditch but I could never let him know that!. He would just want to talk to me about it all the time and the less talking we do the better. He just goes on and on about his job. He is one of the top bosses of the department of magical games and sports in the ministry, so mentioning quidditch around him is like trying the black Bertie botts every flavoured bean, either way, it's terrible. Together my parents are the perfect couple on the outside, both good jobs at the ministry, Hogwarts graduates and part of the "sacred 28" but take a closer look and they are dysfunctional, controlling, and boring. I may not be at Beauxbatton but it beats staying at home with them.

Oh my god if I get sorted into Hufflepuff I could just die. If I hear the name Hufflepuff come out of that dusty old hat's mouth I'm going to rip it off of my head, throw it onto the floor, and walk out. I'll give Durmstrang a try or Ilvermorny or even Uagadou for all I care. It's embarrassing enough to be starting a school two years late but if I'm a Hufflepuff... I don't even want to think about what I would do. All you hear about Hufflepuff's is that they are a bunch of spineless pushovers and believe me I know firsthand how true those stories really are.

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