12 A Night To Remember

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December 17th, 1994,

Dear diary, the last three nights I went to the astronomy tower and waited all night for Draco but he never showed. I don't think I did anything?, did I?.

December 20th, 1994,

Dear Diary, I waited for Draco the last two nights, but tonight I decided to find him and I'm very fucking glad I did. I waited for a while not expecting him to show. I was wearing my Ravenclaw hoodie, sweatpants, Draco's Slytherin scarf and his ring which I never took off. I had a feeling he would be in his room so that's where I went. I said the password "Pureblood" and walked straight through the common room gaining a few looks from some nosey Slytherins. He wasn't in there so up to his dorm I went and I heard really loud music coming from it so I knew someone was there, I knocked three times but no answer. I waited for a second and did it again. No answer. So I opened the door and this is what I saw.

"What the fuck?" I said as I saw Draco shirtless hovering over a practically naked Pansy Parkinson with her tongue down his throat. I stood there for a second bit my bottom lip in concentration and nodded my head. I closed the door and began walking down the stairs.

There were so many feelings going on in my head.
But most of all I just felt stupid.

"Y/N please wait" I heard Draco shout from the top of the stairs but I kept walking. His hand then grabbed my wrist and flipped me around but I snatched it away.

"Don't fucking touch me"

"I didn't want you to see that"

"YOU DIDNT WANT ME TO SEE IT?!, how about sorry I just fucking cheated on you Y/N" The audacity of him!

"Oh come on I've seen the way you've been with Diggory, you're telling me you've not been sleeping with him?" He said and actually looked smug, like he had uncovered some big secret.

I slapped him across the face

"You think I would cheat on you?, you are so insecure. When are you going to realise I'm not the slut you make me out to be" I could feel my eyes burning, it was all a lie, he hadn't changed

"So to answer your question no, I never slept with Diggory, or did anything with him for that matter." The look on his face which I thought couldn't look more displeased dropped even lower. He knew he messed up.

"Wait Y/N im-" I interrupted him by unravelling the pine and stone-coloured scarf and holding it out for him to take feeling the tears fall and open the floodgates.

"Y/N no please," He said with a small tear forming in his eye

"You really are 50 shades of fucked up, save it Malfoy" And with that, I threw the scarf at him and walked out of the common room. Sometimes when shit like this happens I skip sad and go straight to mad. I need to find Potter, two can play at this game.

December 24th, 1994,

Dear Diary, I got Harry to go with me as my date to the Yule ball. I'm not sad. Is the image burned into my brain?, yes but I think I'm still in shock. On one hand, I'm glad he cheated on me because now I know it was real, he wasn't one of the many under my spell, but at the same time, I never felt like he was. I thought there was a chance... I thought just maybe he could love me. After everything, I didn't know where to go, so I went to Cedric and told him what happened.

"I'll knock his fucking teeth out that's what ill do," He said as he got off his bed and went charging to the door.

"Ced please, please just stay with me" He took a deep breath and turned back around. He walked back over to his bed and gave me a hug and a single tear fell down my cheek. He let me stay in his room that night. I slept on his bed and he slept on the floor. In complete darkness and half-asleep I heard him

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