10 Summer holidays

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Dear diary I've got so much planned for the summer I won't be writing a lot but ill keep updating as best as I can.

July 2, 1994,

Dear diary I got off the Hogwarts Express and walked over to my parents. My dad quickly grabbed me and put his hands over my eyes, I was riggling out of his bear hug and that's when I saw her, I saw my mother standing in front of me in a light blue dress holding a sign over her belly.

"Welcome home big sister!" 

MY MUM IS PREGNANT!. I ran to her and gave her a big hug, I began to tear up as I looked at her. 

"Three months to go" She whispered in my ear. I ran back over to my dad and gave him a hug around his neck, he lifted me up "I'm so happy you are home little princess"

July 14th, 1994,

Dear diary, today I went to a quidditch game with Theo, Luca, Blaize, Pansy, Luna and Draco. Luna and Blaize are official now and it is so sweet, they were holding hands and being all romantic the whole time. Draco kept looking at me and smirking, he tilted his head hinting in the direction of behind the bleachers where we were sitting, he winked and then left. Everyone was so into the match nobody noticed when I followed him. I walked straight then felt too strong hands grab me by the waist and pull me off to the side. Before I could say anything I was pinned to the wall with Draco's lips pressed agents mine, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him even tighter than before. We kept kissing lovingly for a while until he broke away.

"I'm sorry, I've been waiting to do that all summer," He said then pecks me once on the mouth again.

"Who knew kissing you would be so addictive?," He said as he pecked me a few more times.

I hugged him tight and told him I missed him too. He kissed me again for what felt like half an hour before I felt eyes on us, Hermione granger and harry potter staring right at me from behind Draco. He must have sensed it too because before I could speak I heard.

"A picture would last longer you know?" Draco said and they scurried off.

"I guess our spot has been compromised," I say as I attempt to walk back to our friends, he grabs my hand but I pull it away

"Draco they will see us," He said nodding my head to our friends.

"I don't care"

July 24th, 1994,

Dear Diary, today I was supposed to go shopping with Luna and Pansy but Pansy is apparently not feeling well, so now its just the two of us.  I'm sleeping over at lunas house. I love it here, her dad is definitely a character but an interesting one at that. I've been with her for the last 2 weeks, either her at my house or me here. We have a new ritual now where whenever her dad falls asleep we sneak off into the forest near her house and climb the trees, we have begun building a treehouse.

July 28th, 1994,

Dear Diary, I got a letter from Cedric today. 

Y/N I hope you are doing okay, I was wondering if you want to come over to my house?. In the short time we've spent together I have grown to appreciate your company... just a smidge. We could play quidditch or go swimming in the lake by my house?. Send me an owl whenever you can, I'm completely free for the next week. Hope to hear from you soon, 


August 2, 1994,

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