26 The Last Few Pages

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I was in shock. Complete and absolute shock. Eighteen and engaged?. I've never even thought of marriage, what will people think?. Now definitely isn't the time, but then something shifted and instead of wanting to focus on them I wanted to focus on these. Draco is my person, he is the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life and in these circumstances, I cannot guarantee how long either of us has. Why wait?, why wait when I know that he is all I need? 

"Yes," I said quietly and he looked genuinely taken back.


"Yes Draco, i'll marry you," I said and he stood to his feet.  

"Are you serious?" He said kissing me and picking me up to spin me around. When he put me down I spoke. 

"Draco we don't know how long we'll need to wait, who gets married in the middle of a war?" He didn't look phased at all and just kept smiling at me like he was the happiest man alive.  

"Besides this is the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen. If I lose it ill never forgive myself. Of course ill marry you but this isn't the time". His smile faded but I knew he understood. 

I walked over to his vanity and picked up his silver serpent ring. 

"How about I wear this for the time being?". 

He whipped out his wand and cast a spell making the ring shrink in size to fit my finger. He slid it on and looked at it for a second. 

"I'm holding you to that" 

"As long as the feeling is mutual" 

He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. 

"I love you so much," I said into our kiss

"More than anything in the universe" He kissed back. Once I pulled away he kept a hold of my hand examining his ring on my finger. 

"I'm getting tired of postponing our lives till the end of the war" 

"Then you know what we have to do" 

February 5th, 1998.

Dear Diary, I don't know how to even begin to process this. I've been a sister, a girlfriend, a best friend, a spy, a double agent and some of those alone are unimaginable. How am I supposed to wrap my head around now becoming a soldier?. There is going to be a battle. That's what Bellatrix meant by "Smoking him out". There was a dinner that night and we were informed of the plan. I knew our ranks grew but I didn't know they had tripled, The dark lord believes that we have enough manpower to overthrow Hogwarts and make harry potter surrender himself.

"And if he doesn't my lord?" One of the savages asked from the corner of the room

"Simple, we kill them all" 

So I rushed to Regulus's room sometime after three AM and stayed there all night. I went through Hermione's notes, turns out they have been Horcrux hunting too and have had much more success. 

.Tom Riddle's Diary

.Marvolo Gaunt's Ring

.Salazar Slytherin's Locket

Hermione wrote in detail about the elf who she got all of her information from and what he had said. 

"Never would have he have seen it coming, master Regulus took it into his own hands. He drank the potion and when the pain and memories came to his mind he touched the water...". "They dragged him down, the locket was thrown and as his head was pulled down. He told Kreacher to take it go. So Kreacher did. Kreacher thought master Regulus would make him drink the potion but he didn't, Kreacher doesn't know why. Kreacher tried to destroy the locket but it can not be done" 

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