Epilogue 2

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We got home and Draco was giving me the cold shoulder. Luna left Milo with Blaise for the evening and came over. When the door bell rang Draco opened the door and I saw him get dragged down and pulled into an over the shoulders hug.

Some would think her having children and us not would have caused tension between us but it's only brought us closer as a family. I think back to the day she saved me on the train, yes we've had our ups and downs but I love her. Draco is my soulmate , he always has been but she is my person.

When she finally freed him she looked at me where I was sitting on the couch and I could see it in her eyes, her heart broke a little. She said nothing and pulled one of our blankets off the arm of the sofa. She crawled in next to me and wrapped it around us both.

"I'm so sorry," She said hugging into me. She was there when I had my first miscarriage. Both of us were pregnant at the same time, it was bliss. We were Christmas shopping at a big open mall buying presents for Nicklas's second Christmas. We had just stopped for a minute to get some hot chocolate and it happened... I don't remember how I even got to the hospital but I remember Draco sprinting through the double doors and Blaise following closely behind. That was the day I found out it was "highly unlikely" I could ever conceive. She was there with me through it all and she has been a rock for the both of us.

After hours of watching movies in silence Luna had to go and it was just us. Draco turned off the tv and took Luna's place under the covers.

"The fucking twin gene," He said after a minute and I just smiled.

"Have you thought about it?" He asked after a while of crippling scilence.

"I think I just want to go to sleep," I said and he helped me to my feet and walked me through our little home. Open plan kitchen, living, and dining room. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms. Definitely not as grand as the Manor but it was ours. Lucius is in Azkaban, Narcissa is on the run a Bellatrix is dead. So the Manor was Draco's and he sold the land. He didn't bring anything with him but his poetry, his piano and a clipping of his rose bush. Now it's flourishing in our garden.

We went to bed and as I lay there trailing my fingers up and down his septum sempra scar I couldn't help but reminisce. This year marks eleven years that we've been together, it's funny, it feels like only yesterday he was throwing me snarky comments but looking absolutely breathtaking doing it. He's still hot, don't get me wrong, love the chest hair, but we have grown so much as people, I can honestly say I don't know where or who id be without him. 

"Goodnight," He said and I could hear it in his voice that he was drained. 

"Goodnight," I said kissing his cheek and rolling over to my side. He copied me and snaked his arm around my stomach and we fell asleep. 

I wasn't lying to him, I did want to sleep but I had thought about it, frankly I didn't necessarily need to think at all, the second I heard about both of my girls I knew I would do everything in my power to protect them, I just hope Draco understands. 

But in typical Malfoy fashion, we had a fight, a really big fight. 

"We don't need a baby!" He yelled after I told him Id decided I wanted to keep both

"But we want one!" I shouted back

"No, you want one!, I want you!. I want us to grow old together" He shouted frustrated 

 "God you are so selfish!. Is being with me not enough?" He pleaded

"How can I love them if they kill you?. Do you seriously think I can take care of two newborn babies by myself!, I've made it so clear, I can't live without you, I won't" He said wiping tears of frustration out of his eyes. 

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