Epilogue 4

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As they bustled through Kings Kross hand in hand they were both nursing broken hearts, it was the first time in 11 years that they would be apart. 

They were late, the others were all there waiting to send her off. As they ran through the wall at platform 9/34 she didn't even flinch, she knew her dad wouldn't ever put her in danger. Draco felt a tug on his hand and he stopped and looked at our not-so-little girl. 

Her eyes were compromised and the tears she had been holding all day finally escaped.

"Oh baby" He said kneeling on the floor and she collapsed into her father. 

"I don't wanna go" She said sniffling into her collar 

He pulled her back holding her forearms. 

"And I don't want you to go... But it's time. You are going to be sad for a little while, but you won't be sad forever" He said and pulled her back into him. 

I see her in me you know?. She idolises her father and would do absolutely everything for him, he is her favourite person. I see myself in the way she goes out of her way for the people she loves and does see with her whole heart.I see it in the way she smiles whenever Draco is in a bad mood and the way she runs circles around her friends in everything. Her reading level is off the charts and her ability to pick up languages is like something I've never seen before. 

What I noticed myself in her the most is the way she plays with baby Stefany, the Zabini's newest addition. She's the designated babysitter, for no other reason than she loves spending time with her, she's already got plans for a family in the future, the far, far, future after a long career. Draco says she got her "Mad quidditch skills" from him but Luna says she got them from me, which she did, I was always faster than her dad, but he would never admit that. 

I found her aunt before I found her father and it was one of the best decisions I had ever made. I couldn't have picked a better family to raise mine.  Let's not forget she has some Malfoy in her, she was very proud and walked with her head held high even if she felt like her world was crashing down. 

I see us both in her and she is perfect. A perfect mix. His platinum blond hair and my texture, his porcelain skin and my eyes. 

Our not-so-small family was waiting on the platform. And then reality struck her harder, not only was she leaving her dad but she was leaving everyone. 

Milo, Max, Theo, Luna, Blaise, Stefany. 

She didn't want to let go of Draco's hand but the one person who knew her better than him stepped forward and she ran to him. He knelt down and picked her up shaking her around a little. She was crying, he hated seeing her cry. So he cast a knowing glance at the others and walked her out of earshot of their family. 

"I'm gonna be all alone Milo," She said crying and he wiped her tears from her face

"You're not going to be alone, you have your brothers to look out for you". He said, he was talking about the Zabini's. Nicklas who is a fourth year Slytherin, Elija a Hufflepuff third year and Levi a second-year Ravenclaw. 

"You're my brother too Milo," She said and it broke his heart in all the right places. 

"And I won't ever let you forget it," He said pulling his sister back into a hug.  

He couldn't help but think back to his first day on the train. Draco and I took him, he was sad understandably, all the other kids had their parents to drop them off, but he had me, he knew he always had me and after a while he realised he would always have Draco to. 

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