21 Boys, Boys, Boys

31 1 14

January 4th, 1997,

Dear Diary, I haven't been able to look them in the eyes since I walked in on them. I don't think Theo can look at me either, but Max is acting as if nothing happened. I mean I guess it's okay but he has every right to be embarrassed. I've walked in on him before and he's acting just the same. He saw me at breakfast yesterday morning and sat with me  

"Howdy Darlin?" He said in a terrible American accent as he sat down beside me and reached for the coffee pot. 

I was there trying not to look him in the eyes, every time I do I just see IT staring back at me... 

"What's up with you?" He asks after taking a swig of the tar he calls coffee. 

"Max, do you have to ask?" I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world 

"What? it is no different to when you walked in on me with Lavender or Cho" 

"This is different," I said 

"Well yeh it's different because he's my boyfriend" 

I spat out my orange juice all over the table and began coughing like a mad woman 

"Your what?!" I shouted 

"Merlin Fawly I didn't peg you were a homophobe," He said as he patted my back a few times to ease my coughing 

"I'm not a homophobe, Murlin you're a dick sometimes," I said and rolled my eyes

"Well I am what I eat" I smacked my hand over my eyes and smiled 

"I meant it's different because it's Theo... Our Theo" I said trying to knock some sense into this delusional boy

"Actually he's my Theo" He corrected

"Okay, steady on. How long has he been your Theo?" I asked

"Since the summer" 

"WHAT?!" I shouted probably alerting the entire Great Hall

"Oh you didn't think you were his only sexy little nurse making him feel better did you?" He said nudging me with his elbow

"In, My, House?!" 

"Don't fret, it was just a smooch or two, you kinda interrupted a very important day for us you know?" He said giving me the side-eye

OOooOOh now I feel guilty

"Sorry," I said starting to eat my breakfast again 

"You seem different," I said as I saw Max looking for Theo at the Slytherin table 

"What do you mean?" He asked

"What happened to "we don't talk about real stuff "" I said doing a terrible impression of him

"Well, I Spoke to Theo and he told me I wasn't being fair, apparently he thinks I've never even told you you're my best friend".

"Well?" I said trying to tuck back into my strawberry jam on toast

"Well, what?" He asked 

"You haven't"

"Of course I have" he defended 


"Well, now that just won't do... I can't have little Theodore knowing he was right about something now can I?"

Max moved himself to be straddling the bench a just turned my head 

"Y/N Fawley, you are my best friend, Pretty much my only friend. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner"

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