12 Triwizard Tournament PT1

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September 3, 1994,

Dear Diary this could not be worse. The Triwizard Tournament is being held here!, and the Bauxbatton students are going to be LIVING HERE!, my secret is going to get out I just know it. I need to talk to Fleur, she's the only one I can trust.

I saw Draco on the train and apologised again for leaving but he didn't mind, we are very much public now. Things were all fine until I went to the bathroom and bumped into Hermione.

"So starting this year off strong I see, a new man already, At least you cant break Malfoy's heart like you did Ron's he would actually need to have one for you do to that" She scoffed and she was washing her hands in the trains girls lavatory.

"I'm sorry but last time I checked who I am with is none of your business, so get back to your possy before you say something you'll regret"

"Hmm, looks like the Slytherin is already rubbing off on you" she said as she walked out

What a bitch...

September 5th, 1994,

Dear Diary, I spoke to Fleur yesterday and it didn't go well. Apparently, she heard about me and Ron last year and she is pissed.

"Comment as-tu pu être aussi stupide ?! le refaire après charlie. J'ai entendu ce que tu as fait à un garçon l'année dernière et je suis dégoûté !.

"Fleur, je suis désolé, je ne sais pas comment c'est arrivé, je ne peux pas le contrôler."

"J'ai appris et maintenant il est temps pour toi de faire la même chose. Ça n'aura pas l'air très bien si tu es aussi expulsé de cette école !"

"S'il vous plaît, taisez-vous, les gens ici ne savent pas"

"Oh ce n'est qu'une question de temps, d'ailleurs les seules personnes qui peuvent nous comprendre le savent déjà. Tu dois faire attention car ma mère ne pourra pas te sauver cette fois. Je dirai aux filles de se taire, mais pour l'instant apprenez à le contrôler. Pour le bien de tous".

(English translation)

"How could you be so stupid?! doing it again after charlie. I heard what you did to a boy last year and I am disgusted!. "

"Fleur I'm sorry I don't know how it happened, I can't control it."

"I learned and now it's time for you to do the same. It won't look very good if you get expelled from this school as well!"

"Please be quiet, people here don't know"

"Oh, it's only a matter of time, besides the only people who can understand us already know. You need to be careful because my mother won't be able to save you this time. I will tell the girls to keep their mouths shut, but for now, learn to control it. For everyone's sake. "

I'm screwed.

September 20th, 1994,

Dead Diary, Today people were putting their names in the goblet of fire. I told Cedric not to but he's adamant. After that, we went to Honey Dukes and got so many bursting bonbons and cauldron cakes we went into a food coma and missed dinner. Luna has been off with Blaise and Pansy has been icing me out so I spend my nights with Draco and the days with Cedric. Even tho Ced might be participating in the Triwizard Tournament he's still agreed to be my quidditch coach. I'm still learning so much. On the other hand, my potions tutoring is not going along as smoothly. The first probably 15 minutes or so are fine but after that, we get a little... distracted. Don't get me wrong it's amazing but with owls next year I do need to keep up my studies.

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