20 Grey

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It got me thinking, I need to choose what side of the war I want to be on before a side is chosen for me. No matter how many scenarios I think of, I can't imagine myself not fighting if it came down to it. I can't have my little brother growing up in a world of fear and destruction, I will fight for him, I might not be around to see it through to the end but I will do whatever it takes, ill do it for Milo. 

Theo didn't sit in the great hall with us, he went back to the Slytherin table which was sitting bare. Half the usual amount of students possibly less were sat at the end of the table towards the doors. Theo was sitting closest to the middle of the table, far away from his housemates. The more I've gotten to know him, the more I can't see why he is a Slytherin. 

The feast began and I found my eyes scanning the Slytherin table once more, but not for Theo. Malfoy wasn't there. I had expected him to write to me over the summer but the letter never came. He said he was trying to gain my trust, but he never mentioned wanting a friendship again. I never betrayed him if anything it was the other way around, he didn't trust me, and then he sought out revenge instead of simply asking me. Then he outed me to George but is he said, this time it was me that fucked up. 

After the feast, I wanted to go to my dorm and unpack before there was carnage on the stairs. I told Max and Theo id see them later and said goodbye. I was a few steps into the main hall when I saw him. He was like a dark shadow entered the room, as if all of the warmth and happiness went away, like it was afraid. 

He is taller. He is so much taller. He isn't wearing his uniform, instead a black suit now occupies his body. He has lost all trace of boyishness in his features, almost like a shell of his former self. At first, I didn't recognise him, his sharper features and added height reminded me of someone else... His father.

We were only mere inches away from each other and we both stopped in our tracks. We made dead eye contact and it looked like he was about to step toward me but then I saw his pupils contract and he stiffened, showing how tall he really had gotten over the summer. And he proceeded to walk straight past me, acting like I wasn't even there. 

His eyes weren't that gorgeous shade of baby blue anymore, they were grey. a cold heartless grey that would have looked wrong if he had still looked the same, but he did not look the same. 

September 14th, 1996,

Dear Diary, the quidditch tryouts were today and since I'm still the chaser I attended to help Cho with the event. Every house captain was there but Slytherins. About half an hour into the drills I heard Harry and Ginny talking so I listened in. 

"Is it true Malfoy quit the team," Ginny asked 

"Yeh, McGonagall told me this morning"

"How odd"

September 16th, 1996,

Dear Diary, Max has always been amazing at potions and I guess he really impressed our new potions professor and got invited to join his secret society. They will meet for dinner once a month and talk about how smart they all are, or something along those lines. Honestly, it sounds quite boring. 

September 20th, 1996,

Dear Diary, I was walking past the kitchens when I heard crying, so I moved towards the noise and found Hannah abbot crying in a bay window

I walked over to see if she was okay. 

She had told me her mum went missing during the summer and her body had just been found. she was told that it was most likely death eaters and she was waiting for her dad to pick her up and take her home. I wanted to sympathise, I too know what it is like to have a parent ripped away but sympathy wasn't what she needed, I could tell. I think she just needed a hug. 

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