14 The final task

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March 15th, 1995

Dear Diary, things are getting worse. I have the twins, Cedric and now Max. (Remind me to tell you about him later) But when I'm alone things are dark. I'm failing all my classes for sure, I've moved seats in potions but unfortunately it's next to the worst person imaginable Pansy. Today she kicked my stool out of the way so when I went to sit down I fell to the floor. I don't have the strength to argue or fight, I'm just so tired.

Our seats in divination changed and now I'm sitting with Max. He is a Ravenclaw but I always thought he was a Hufflepuff. We've been talking and he's really nice, really funny too. I'm trying to forget who he reminds me of but it is hard.

April 2d, 1995,

Dear Diary, you know what yesterday was, Fred and Georges's birthday!. It was a lot calmer than last year. Just us three sitting by the fire playing chess and drinking hot chocolate. KIDDING!, they had another rager!, but this time it was in the Gryffindor common room and some little Gryffindor twat tried to say the party "wasn't for my type" like what?, does he know who I am ?. Anyway, the party was just as good as last year but I didn't drink half as much, however, I have a feeling I made out with a Gryffindor, all I remember is red. I don't mind it, I just wish I remembered who it was...

April 19th, 1995,

Dear Diary, still I have no idea who I kissed at Fred and Georges but ill put it behind me. I've been spending more time with Max, he helps me pick out clothes when we go to Hogsmeade and even listens to my boy drama. I'm the closest I've ever been with Ced and he's invited me to his house again during the summer, he's said he needs his usual "fix" of me, and I have to say I feel the same way. I can't imagine not flying with him or waking up early and being the first in the hall for breakfast with him, he is really important to me. He still really wants to beat Malfoy but I heard that he got some karma, mad eye apparently turned him into a ferret, I would have killed to see that but at the same time seeing him is still hard.

April 21st, 1995,

Dear Diary, today I told Cedric and Luna about my plan for Ron.(Obviously not the whole truth) Cedric said it was mean...

"Come on Ced he deserved it, you saw what he did"I defended over the breakfast table.

"I know minnow but I don't think it's fair, if he fancies you why make him feel bad?. I also don't like the idea of you using other guys to get to him. Know your worth, don't disregard your morals for revenge"

"Now, now Ceddy it's a full proof plan, don't worry"

Pansy is still making my life hell. It was small things at first, like knocking my books off my desk or pulling my chair out from under me. But I got back to my dorm yesterday and it was trashed... Is she seriously still mad that I dated Malfoy?. And that brings me to another point... I think that Pansy and Malfoy are dating and I have to admit I hate it, I can't believe he moved on so fast. I keep getting reminded of what I said to myself at the astronomy tower

"You're gonna regret this"

And I do, I regret talking to him, having him close to me again... It just made it worse. Before it was okay because I was just mad, but now I'm hurting.

May 5th, 1995,

Dear Diary, I found out who the mystery boy was... Here's how it happened.

I was hanging out with Fred and George in the clock yard and it was almost as if Fred was telling George to do something but only using his facial expressions and occasional head nods.

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