15 Deja Vue

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Once Ced had vanished into the dark I went back to the stands and sat with Fred and George. After an hour of standing around, Harry and Cedric return holding the Triwizard cup but sink to the floor. The band kept playing their music and the crowd of hundreds of students were cheering and it became deafeningly loud, It only became apparent that there was something wrong when they didn't get up, and Harry's sobs filled the quieting down arena.

Fleur let out a blood-curdling scream which alerted Everyone who hadn't realised yet that something was wrong.

"let me through!, LET ME THROUGH" I heard Amos cry as he broke through the crowd of people surrounding his child.

"THAT'S MY SON... Thank my boy," He cried as he fell to his knees beside Cedric. Why wasn't he getting up?, I thought. Then it hit me.

"NO!" I remember shouting through the crowd but after only one step I was tugged back and pulled into a chest and my eyes were shielded from view

"Y/N you shouldn't have to see this" George said with his hand on my hair to hold me to him but I pushed him away from me

"GET OFF ME!!, LET GO!, I NEED TO GET TO CED, GET OFF!" I remember screaming as Malfoy pulled George back by the shoulder

"She said let go" I heard him say with his usual sneer but I didn't pay him any attention, George was distracted so I took it as an opportunity to run as fast as I could to Cedric's side.

When I saw the sight before me I just froze. I couldn't breathe. Cedric was as pale as a ghost lying like a plank on the grass. He was dead. I can't remember if I cried, but considering I'm crying whilst writing this I should think I did. After a few seconds, I snapped out of my trance and fell to my knees by his side.

"Harry, what happened?" I was able to ask as I put my hand on Cedric's cold hand.

"He's back!, he's back, Voldemorts back!"

Amos's cries were heartbreaking and they were the final straw, I whaled like a banshee and hugged Amos who hugged me back with all of his strength.

Amos had lost everything, first Eleanor, now Cedric. His every reason for existence.

Cedric's body was put onto a gurney and taken away, Amos was allowed to follow and he still cried in the arms of Dumbledore but again I was held back. They wouldn't let me go with him, apparently, I wasn't family. What do they know?"

"Please, please let me come!" I shouted as him he was being carried out sight but it was too late.

I can't even remember who was holding me back but they were stronger than George.

I was kicking and crying and trying as hard as I possibly could to free myself.

"I love you Ced!"  I shouted as he disappeared behind the corner

This time he didn't say it back.


September 4th, 1995

Dear Diary, I didn't feel like writing all summer, saying I hadn't done much over the holidays was an understatement. But I feel like I should go back to the beginning.

After Ced was taken away I ran into the forest, I don't exactly know why but there was so much chaos, so much pain, I just needed to run, so that's what I did. I ran and ended up in the care for magical creatures patch and collapsed agents the side of a large stone. I don't know how long I was there before I noticed George crouching down in front of me. My breathing was sporadic and I thought I was going to faint, I felt as if I was not getting enough oxygen. George kept hugging me and getting in my face I tried to push him off be he just kept going for it so I just screamed

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