18 The End Of An Era

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April 20th, 1996,

Dear Diary, Cho got caught leaving a Dumbeldoors army meeting and we all got caught. Umbridge was shocked to see us all through a hole in the wall like roaches... but her face turned to pure venom when she saw me standing at the back of the room next to Nevill... The inquisitorial squad went in and grabbed us all, and Malfoy let go of Cho and walked past all of the other Dumbledore's Army members and walked to me and grabbed my shoulder, he made it look like it was hard but it was actually really gentle. 

Malfoy whispered into my ear so discreetly so that nobody could hear.

"You've really done it this time Fawley"

And he gently lead me to the Great Hall.  

And she used it on us... She used it on all of us!. 

Blood quills

And we wrote for what could have been an hour. Our hands were all mangled and bleeding when she finally said it was enough. For them at least.

"Fawley, you stay"

Fred and George both looked at Umbridge whilst Luna and Neville looked at me sorrowfully whilst clutching their hands.

She waited for everyone to leave the hall before she spoke 

"I gave you the benefit of the doubt because we were family," She said rummaging through her bag and grabbing a new quill.  

"If I'm not mistaken I hear you are dropping family like flies"

Did this bitch really just bring up my dad?

I was too shocked to speak.

She brought the new quill and placed a new piece of parchment on my desk

"I want you to write one word, only once," She said coldly.

"And that word is," I asked

There was a moment of silence 

"... Whore" 

"What!" I shouted in disbelief

"You heard me, whore... just the once"

I picked up the new quill and my hands were shaking like mad

But I wrote it.

Just the once.

And I felt the familiar razer sharp cut from the blood quill, but not on my hand. I looked down to my chest and my once white polo shirt was now being soaked in blood from the fresh slices on my collarbone.

I threw the pen down and grabbed my bag and walked out of the hall trying my best to hold in my grunts of pain. This cut was deeper, it hurts more than all the ones on my hand combined.

I walked through the threshold and the hallway but it wasn't empty as I expected it to be.

He waited, of course Malfoy waited. 

I saw him sitting on the bottom step of the grand staircase and he stood up when he saw me. 

His eyes went directly to my hand which was dripping blood onto the floor, then his eyes noticed my shirt. His expression was something I have never seen on anyone before. It went from pitty to almost broken, the colour drained from his face and I could have sworn he stopped breathing 

I walked past him up to my room where I could finally let it out. 

I went to the bathroom and took my shirt off, and there it was, above my bloodstained bra. A single word in my handwriting.

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