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April 1st, 1994,

Dear Diary. Yesterday I went to Fred and George's birthday party, it was a big thing in the room of requirement. I was debating on whether to go or not but Luna told me it's a good idea to get me out of bed for a while. I guess I've been "Hibernating" As Pansy said when I got to the party but I reminded her I literally saw her 4 days ago. The room was full of people, almost half the school was there. The room was full of fireworks, going off and shining lights throughout the massive room, I've never really been one for fireworks, I don't like the noise. The lights were off but there were orange-colored lights flashing on and off to the beat of the music which Sheamus Finnigan controlled from a Dj stand. I did about 5 shots with the birthday boys but Malfoy grabbed the sixth out of my hand. 

"I don't want to have to carry my potions partner to class tomorrow, or hold her hair back when she starts throwing up." He said snarkily 

I wanted to argue with him but I knew he was right. He took that shot as if it was nothing then I saw him leaving. 

I followed him out after telling Luna I was going for a walk, I saw him sitting in the hallway inside one of the bay windows. As I walked closer to him I saw his eyes were closed and the moonlight was creating somewhat of a spotlight around him. Before I knew it I was walking over to him and sat down beside him. 

"What are you doing here Fawley," He asked with his eyes still closed

I told him that I didn't like the fireworks. I asked him why he left and he said that we have a potions test tomorrow morning first thing... I completely forgot about that. He also said he was a lightweight and had 3 shots that were now getting to his head. I laughed at him and he opened his eyes. 

"Id like to see how well you can walk in a straight line with the three you took"

 I pretended to look shocked and placed my hand on my chest and acted hurt. 

"It was actually five Malfoy,"

 I said as I playfully hit him causing him to look at me. I stood up straight and stuck my arms out and walked on an imaginary tightrope, did a spin, and then walked back over and stood in front of him. 

"Well I'm glad to see someone can hold their liquor here," He said with a deep laugh

Oh god that laugh. It was kinda cute you know him being all out of it and I've noticed he's a lot less cockey when I'm around. Hes not being as mean to people either, its subtle but I can tell he's only sneering at the muggle-borns, not tormenting or teasing, he just saves that for me. 

But before I knew it I stuck out my hand and Malfoy took it hesitantly. I pulled him to his feet and he stumbled a little. Next thing I knew we were swaying to the music coming from the party. At this point I could tell the alcohol was really hitting us both as we just stood there and swayed. I had one hand laced with his and one on his lower back and he reluctantly did the same. I could feel his eyes burning through me but I stood with my cheek pressed against his chest with my eyes closed just listening to the calm rhythm of his heartbeat. I couldn't get enough of the smell coming off his shirt, it was definitely nice but I couldn't put my finger on it. Before I knew it he stepped away still holding my hand pulling me back to the party... Now, this is where things get fuzzy. I remember drinking fire whiskey from the bottle, dancing with Pansy, playing with sparklers, being lifted up and dancing with Fred, then lastly being thrown onto my bed... My clothes were still on when I woke up this morning but I was wearing one of Cho's pyjama tops. She must have been the one to bring me home.

April 8th, 1994,

Dear Diary, we have a lot to catch up on. Firstly when I saw Malfoy the day after the party our conversation didn't go how id hoped. 

"What did I tell you!" He shouted at me as he popped his head through one of the holes in the walls of the courtyard. He climbed through and then stood right in front of me. 

"What did I tell you?" He said again as he pointed down to his shoes which weren't his usual uniform black shoes but were some dark green trainers. I was confused and asked him to explain.

 "I told you I wasn't going to hold your hair back when you were sick, but you didn't give me a chance to because you chucked up all over yourself, then I needed to carry you back to your dorm, where you were sick on my shoes!".

 I was shocked, embarrassed, confused, did I mention embarrassed?. But all I was worried about at this moment was the fact that he undressed me!!!. I think he could tell by the look on my face cuz he said 

"Don't worry darling I didn't see anything I've not been staring at all year" He said cheekily 

THEN WINKED!. I slapped his arm but before I could say anything he corrected himself 

"kidding, kidding, I closed my eyes and just grabbed a random top off the floor" He confessed

Cho is so messy sometimes. After that, he gave me a fake stern look at walked to potions ahead of me.

Later that day I saw the twins. I had no idea why but Fred picked me up and spin me around whilst George chanted 

"Firecracker, Firecracker, Firecracker". 

This is where it got confusing. Fred put me down and this is how the conversation went. 

Fred: Congratulations you-

George: Are one of us now.

Fred: We have -

George: Adopted you,

Fred: Placed you-

 George: Under our wing,

George: Taken you aboard,

Fred: Gonna show you the ropes,

George: Feed you our secrets,

Fred: You are one of us now-

George: Welcome to the dark side-

Fred: Or should we say the light side?

I had no idea what to say so I just blinked a few times then they continued

George: Look at her Freddie taken back by our generosity, don't worry Firecracker you'll get used to our chivalry.

Fred: As the days come we will teach you to rule our little kingdom-

George: We were gonna teach Ron but after last night we know you've got what it takes.

"I'm sorry what?, Firecracker?, Kingdom?, what it takes?" I said out in a jumble

Fred: Do you not remember?

George: She doesn't remember 

Fred: She doesn't remember

George: Could it be the-

Fred: Fire whiskey?,

George: Vodka?,

Fred: Body shots?,

George: Bubble juice?,

Fred: Jack?,

George: Devils lettuce if you know what I mean". He nudged me twice and winked

"Okay stop!" I shouted

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm too hungover for this. I remember about 4 things from last night and being with you both is only like... half of one" shouted probably sounding like a madwoman 

Fred: I'm sorry, I'm sorry,

George: We will come back another time 

Fred: See you around firecracker 

Then he kisses me on the forehead and George pats my head like a dog.

Now I'm pretty sure I stood there in the hallway for a solid five minutes without even blinking. Is that what it feels like to have an aneurysm?.  What the hell were they talking about... I'm actually a little scared to find out. AND WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS A BODY SHOT!?

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