4 Ron Weasley's Diary At The Time

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17th of Nov

I've been hanging about with Y/N recently which is all fun and games but I have to hide it from Harry and Hermione. They are my best friends and I don't think I should, but I really like Y/N. Her hair always smells like strawberries, She's so beautiful I could almost say it's unnatural. I don't really know where these feelings came from, I never felt anything like this before. If I was planning on doing this with anyone id have a few people in line before her. But as soon as she made eye contact with me, every ounce of me knew that I needed her. So if she wants to stay a secret that's fine because at least I can be with her.

20th of nov

I just watched the Chudly game agenst Montrose Magpies and it was wicked!. Galvin caught the snitch after only about half an hour but Lennox put up a good fight. He had to dodge the bludger three times!!! It was almost possessed. Obviously, the cannons won because we are the best team, however I am worried because the Magpies are bringing on a new captain. And if he's any good next season will be a tough one.

15th of nov

Me and Y/N have been let's say "Special friends" for a few weeks now and I'm really falling for her. I want to be with her all the time. I'm so impressed with her and strangely I feel proud of her. For doing nothing at all. What the hell is wrong with me. To be honest I'm not sure why she's even with me. I see the way Malfoy flirts with her in potions but she looked over to me today completely ignoring him. When our eyes locked it was like I couldn't see anything but her. I'm pretty sure she wants to go "All the way" But I mean I don't think I'm ready. I feel like a child saying that, but I'm not. I've never done it before so I'm really scared. Other things have happened that I'm hoping make up for the lack of connection. I can see it's getting to her tho, I don't think she's as pure and innocent as she seems. That doesn't matter tho. She could have been with 50 blokes and she'd still be as perfect as ever.

30th of nov

I was in the broom cupboard on the third floor with Y/N when we completely lost track of time. I got ready and made it to class just on time but she had to fix her hair and makeup so it took her a while. She got detention with Snape and I felt bad because it was partially my fault. So I was pretending to throw a lizard at Harry when I really threw one at Snape hoping he'd give me detention so I could be with Y/N. And it worked. Now I can spend my whole Saturday with Y/N.

1 of des

Snape is really rotten you know?. I thought i'd have a nice afternoon with my girlf... I mean Y/N but no he had to drag some other people in here too. Nevill was just cramping my style, then of course three Slytherins. I was a bit scared for my life being trapped in a room with Malfoy but after a while, I was put into the potions storage cupboard with Y/N and I said.

"Considering we were so rudely interrupted yesterday, why don't we pick up from where we left off?" with a cheeky grin on my face.

She didn't look too amused but with some tips I picked up from her on seduction she was saying my name in no time. It was all fun and games till prying Pansy walked in and caught us just before the best bit.

Later on we were playing truth or dare AND ME AND Y/N WERE DARED TO KISS!. I know she wants us a secret so I didn't do anything but she gave me the smallest peck and it sent me over the edge. After that moment of her kissing me in front of all of those people, I think she likes me. Like she really likes me. Oh, when she kissed me it felt like something came over me. I was about to drag her back to the potions cupboard right then and there.

15 of des

I'm so ready now, I'm not scared, I want her. I think I'm in love with her. She keeps giving me these eyes and they give me butterflies, I want the world to know that she's mine. She's got me so bent I'm starting to rime. Oh my god what's wrong with me?. We're planning on going all the way tonight because I'm going on holiday for 3 weeks. She bought the things and when we were just about to put them to good use Harry and Hermione were in my room!. So much for your best mates having your back. Y/N played it off though and I could see she was really disappointed. I went over to Harry and Hermione and Hermione was crying. I hadn't noticed before so I asked her what was wrong. She wiped tears from her eyes and said ,

"Oh now you see me upset Ronald, you've had no problem ignoring me for the past 2 weeks" Then stormed out. This girl is mad honestly. When she slammed the door behind her, I was expecting to have a chat with Harry but he gave me a cold look and went after her. I haven't even done anything.

26 of des

Merry Christmas. I had to take a break from writing because Fred and George kept trying to read what's inside my book. So now I'm here writing to you in the greenhouse hidden behind a bag for fertilizer and a large gorde. I'm missing Y/N, I haven't really thought about her since I've been away, at least not thought about her in that way. It's like when I'm with her I can't get my mind off her but when I'm alone I sometimes forget she even exists. Maybe these two weeks will be good. I got another Weasley Christmas jumper and have a guess what colour it is?. ... yeah maroon. I hate maroon. Sometimes I wonder why mum had so many kids if you can't even get the smallest thing right, Calling Fred George, calling George, Fred. Which is normal but she's started Calling Percy Charley, calling Charley George and calling George Fred and then calling me Fred and then calling Ginny Tessie (After my great aunt Tessie). I invited Harry and Hermione over but none of them came. I'm guessing Hermione is still having "One of those days".

1 of Feb.

I got back to school today and here's what happened. Turns out harry and Hermione had Christmas together! at Hermione's house!. They didn't even think to invite me. They are still ignoring me but who cares I have Y/N and that's all that matters. I saw her today getting off the train and it is like my body came to life again. I had not been able to stop thinking about her. I was about to ask her to be my girlfriend. So I grabbed something from my room just in case and I headed to her room. I knocked on the door and it took her ages to answer but when she did I saw that her face was all red, her tie was off and her hair was all messed up. I didn't think anything of it so I went in told her I was ready, and I wanted to go public (what an idiot). She shot me down and said I was just a fling and from that moment on I don't think I felt anything from her, it was like she flipped a switch in me and on my way out I saw a Slytherin tie peeking out from under the bed. But to be honest I didn't care.

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