16 skeletons

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The look on some of the student's faces that overheard what just came out of my mouth was somewhere between confusion and pure disgust. To be honest I'm surprised I said it but after all, she is kinda my aunt. 

Long story short Cantankerous Nott (Theo's Grandfather) wrote a book called " twenty-eight truly pure-blood families" My Grandfather Hector Fawly Who was at the time Minister of magic instructed Cantankerous to keep his dirty love affair with one of his secretaries (Ellen Crankwell) a secret and it was for a while, until Orford (Ellens husband) found out and discovered baby Dolores wasn't his. Orford abandoned Ellen and Baby Dolores shortly after. Ellen tied to get Hector to leave his wife and be with her but he refused. Just after Dolores's 10th birthday Ellen passed away and Hector was forced to deal with his endeavours. Hector sent Dolores to Bauxbattons (Now we know where our family likes to keep their dirty little secrets) and Delores was fully content with being an only child with a single father (to her knowledge). That was until two years later when she picked up a copy of the daily profit and read the front page "Minister of magic Hector Fawley and wife Maria Fawly bring into the world a set of beautiful twin girls" one of those girls being my mother Gabriella and the other Beatrice Sullivans mum. Delores was furious and left Bauxbatton the day she turned 18. Her whole life was a lie and everyone suspected that she disappeared, which was true until a strange woman showed up at the family reunion dressed head to toe in hot pink. 

So Hector bribed Cantankerous to keep Dolores out of our family's chapter and put her down as Orfords biological child making her an Umbridge instead of a Fawley.

"Much better, could I just speak to you for a moment in my office?" She continued with her infamous shrill

"Of course," I said giving luna (who was still gaping) A nod and telling her to go on

I went up to Umbridge's classroom and she sat me down and pretty much gave the talk about how just because we are family she isn't going to go easy on me. which is understandable and after that I went on with my day.

I met up with George in the great hall after, not telling him about the conversation I had with Umbridge we had a talk about our relationship and the whole time I felt like I was going to puke. I have no idea why I slept with Malfoy again, I have no idea why I went to the manor in the first place!. I like George, Malfoy was a mistake from the beginning. I'm going to forget about him for good this time. Besides Me and George technically aren't official yet so was it cheating?.

January 19th, 1996,

Dear Diary, me and George are official... I'm really happy, He asked me last night at the quidditch pitch. We were there watching the Hufflepuff's and Slytherins have a friendly.

"Firecracker, I know we've been spending a lot of time together but I want to make it official, Will you be my girlfriend" 

"I would love to," I said after kissing him on the cheek and leaving into his side and resting my head on his shoulder

"Monogamously tho right?" He asked and I repressed my sudden flair of anger, 

"What, Georgie doesn't want me spending time with anyone else?" I said teasingly grasping his hand

"No I don't, I'm selfish" He continued but now in a whisper so only I could hear even in an empty stand.

"I want you all to myself," He said then grabbed the back of my head and kissed me passionately 

so, Georgie likes it rough... Good to know

We stayed there watching the quidditch for a while but during half time it got really cold and we decided to go back to the castle.

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