Epilogue 1

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I snapped the book closed and was transported back to reality. 

"Y/N?" Draco's voice filled my ears


I snapped my head and there was Draco standing in the doorway to our bedroom in our relatively new house. 

"What have you got there?" He asked taking in my surroundings. I was sitting on the floor going through the last few boxes from the move. After the war we practically fled, we didn't have any idea where to go but we knew we had to get out of England, so we found ourselves in Egypt for a few months. However one thing led to another and with a lot of help from Hermione we're now back in Britten, Brighton to be exact. 

I looked down at my hands and Draco plucks my tattered old diary from my fingertips. 

"I remember her," He said laughing to himself then playfully flipped through the pages. 

"Help me up would you?" I asked offering my hand. Being four months pregnant really takes a toll on a person's body. I would know. Since our wedding four years ago I have struggled terribly with infertility, the medwitches say the tole repetitive use of the cruciatus curse in most cases it's rare a woman can conceive let alone carry until to term, three times we got close, this pregnancy has been the only one to stick for so long, he's been my last hope. 

Draco helped me up and dropped my diary to the floor so he could use both hands. 

"Are you alright?" He asked sounding terrified. Of course this has taken a toll on him too, how could it not?. When he asked me to start trying I was over the moon, I was worried that maybe he had changed his mind. 

"How are they today?" He asked crouching down to my stomach and placing a hand on the side. 

"He's fine," I said smiling 

"You don't know it a he," He said looking up at me 

"I feel it" 

Draco hasn't said it but he's a girl dad, don't get me wrong he loves milo but something about him, the way he acted when we had our first girl. she was baby M. We didn't want to give her a name too soon just in case but I've had my list for years.

Leo Cedric

Micheal Charles

Penelopy Rose

Phoebe Matilda  

I wanted more, deep down I think I wanted about five but I suppose one is already defying the odds.

Seeing my diary in a moving box on top of my piles of things makes me think of how much she's missed. 

The day I decided to become an author, The day I finally persuaded the ministry to change Hogwarts A History, Youll see a much-needed revamp on the chapter "The Ghost Of Ravenclaw Tower". She deserved the world to know. 

Planting our own rosegarden, 

Blaise crying when Draco asked him to be his best man. Luna crying when I asked her to be my maid of honour. 

Asking Max and Theo to be our baby's godparents.

At our wedding when McGonagall sauntered over to Theo and held out her hand for him to take 

"For old times' sake?" She asked and they danced like he had waited his whole life for this moment.

The first baby in our strange little family, Nicklas Zabini. And then Elija, then Levi. Luna and Blaise got right to baby making, she's the most perfect mother I've ever seen. 

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