3 Ron Weasley

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November 17th, 1993,

I can't get over how Oliver reacted. Considering like 90% of the people in the three broomsticks were students, the majority of the school knows about our very public breakup. But after he put his hands on me I knew it was over, I would never let anyone do that to me let alone if were dating. After the whole fiasco, me and Ron walked all the way back to the castle in silence. When we got to the front door however I said 

"Thank you" 

He turned around and looked confused. I said it again,

 "I said thank you". Still with the same confused look on his face, he said, 

"If anyone should be thanking anyone, it's me thanking you. You stood up for me and you don't even know me". He said stopping our walk

How sweet, to be honest I was so mad I don't remember half the things I said. 

"Well then there's only one thing we can change that then isn't there?.... I get to know you".

And with that we continued walking to school chatting about ourselves. I had dinner with him, Harry and Hermione because we didn't want the conversation to end. After dinner Hermione and harry said they had some book they needed to get in the library so me and Ron walked back to the Gryffindor common room where we sat on one of the couches and he told me all about the Chudly Cannons (his favourite quidditch team)

Oliver walked into the Gryffindor common room when I saw him I don't know what came over me. I was so mad. So I did the first thing I could think of. I grabbed Ron by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a deep kiss. I had a feeling Ron caught on because he kissed me back, more passionately than Oliver ever had. I opened my eyes to see if Oliver was there and he was so I did the pettiest thing I could think of. I moved from sitting beside Ron to sitting on his lap and placed his hand on my ass, I looked over again and he was still staring so I cranked it up a notch. I pulled away from the kiss and ran up the stairs leading to the dorms holding his hand and kissing him one more time before we carried on up the stairs and out of view. Once we got up the stairs I laughed then slammed the door loud behind us when we got into his room. 

When I turned around from shutting the door I really don't know what came over me because even though Oliver couldn't see me I still wanted to kiss Ron. So I did, and we crashed onto his bed with a loud thud which shook the walls. I was straddling over him but the crash reminded me to lock the door and put a Silencio spell on it so nobody could hear what is about to happen. I undid his tie and he began unbuttoning my blouse from the top down, all whilst being in a deep passionate kiss.

 He pulled away and said 

"What are we doing?" 

To which I replied, 

"Anything you want, do you have any protection?". His face dropped, he didn't have to answer I knew what that meant so I proceeded to do the only logical thing, 

"No matter then, I have a better idea anyway" and with that, I slipped off Ron and moved to the end bed where he lay straddled and flushed a dark shade of pink and with his hair messed up. with my shirt half unbuttoned I sank to my knees and began unbuckling his belt. I'm guessing you can tell where it goes from here. 

November 18th, 1993, 

Dear Diary, Happy birthday to me

December 1st, 1993,

Dear Diary. let's just say my latest actions have not been so saint-like. With my nightly "Visits" to the Gryffindor tower and my mid-day trips to the broom cupboard with a certain redhead, I would say my life is pretty crazy. We have agreed that we shouldn't tell anybody but Luna is getting suspicious with all this sneaking around, who wouldn't be?. Yesterday I got had my first ever detention due to the fact that I might have lost track of time during one of my visits to a certain special little closet. I landed myself a 3 hour Saturday detention with Snape. There were some other students in there as well (Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Ron, Malfoy, and Blaise Zabini). Neville was there because he refused to kill a lizard for a skele-gro potion, Blaise and Pansey were there because they were being "Disruptive", Ron was there because he tried to throw a dead lizard at harry but missed and hit Snape instead, and I have no idea why Malfoy was there.

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