5 Blaise Zabini

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February 9th, 1994

Dear Diary I haven't seen Ron at all but I've been seeing a lot of Blaise. Mostly in private but since I'm close with Pans I see him when I'm in the Slytherin common room when I'm with her. She's introduced me to two other Slytherin boys, Theodore Nott and Luca Greengrass. They are really nice and I sit with Luca in muggle studies so we talk all the time. 

I feel bad because I feel like I'm leaving Luna out, which I kinda am. I love spending time with my new friends but I can't forget about her. I'm gonna do something with her soon, like old times. Either a good muggle movie or a trip to Honeydukes. Potions is still insufferable. Not only am I still sitting next to Malfoy but I still have him as a tutor. I have to admit though he is good, I'm actually passing this term. We only study in the Potions classroom or the library however last week the first years were having a test in the library, someone let off a stink bomb in the potions classroom, and the Slytherin common room was occupied by Pansy and Theo arguing over hair products. Luca described it as a bloodbath when I passed him in the hall. So I told Malfoy we could do it in the Ravenclaw common room, but when we got there the common room was divided in half and they were having a debate on the use of house-elves. So I just decided to walk up to my room and we could use my desk.

 Walking through the common room was so embarrassing because the room was literally split into two like a catwalk and me and Malfoy had to walk down it whilst everyone was staring at us in complete silence... We got to studying and he was being his flirty self which I must admit is nice now that I've gotten used to it and is somewhat comforting.  We were studying really late and when we were packing up Luna and Cho walked in and the expressions on their faces were priceless. When Malfoy is thinking he brushes his hair back with his hand so it wasn't neatly laid like usual, and I had just finished a practice paper he made for me and I must have been very red because id forgotten the properties of Gillyweed. Me and Malfoy looked at each other and couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter. He loosened his tie, ruffed up his hair even more and lifted his collar. As he walked out the door he said 

"So same time next week Fawley?", Just obnoxiously loud enough to make sure everyone heard it, then gave me a wink and left my room.

February 12th, 1994

Dear diary I don't know what I'm doing. Blaise is not what I want, yeh the sex is good but he's as plain as a white wall. We have nothing in common, I know nothing about him and we literally never speak to each other. Am I wasting my time?. If it were a hook up I was looking for there are plenty of guys. Like a boy I met in divination called Max. Oh, he is hot. But I don't know I feel like I want more. I'm going to try to talk to Blaise but I don't know how much longer I can let this go on.

I hung out with Luna yesterday and it was lovely, I introduced her to Pansy and they really hit it off. I'm so glad they did because now we can hang out all together and I won't feel bad for leaving either of them out.

February 20th, 1994,

Dear Diary, I spoke to Blaise about wanting more and to further our relationship, to which he thought I meant try anal. But no, long story short he doesn't want anything, no interest in a relationship. He said he'll always be around for a casual hookup but other than that he's out. Therefore I am too. I just wish other guys would show me attention. I'd love to get to know Max a little better but to be honest I have somebody else in mind. I know, I know, it's stupid but spending so much time with Malfoy must be affecting me. He's horrible and rude, he sleeps around and is a massive flirt. I mean just look at the way he is with me. He's practically throwing himself at me during potions but then is making out with a Slytherin third year in the courtyard. Hormones, That's what it is, Just hormones. I need someone to help me get my mind off him.

March 19th, 1994,

Dear Diary, My plan to get over Malfoy isn't working. We've had 4 potions study sessions and it's making it worse. I'm not even helping myself. The things he says just make me melt.

I've even started feeding into it. Wearing shorter skirts and makeup, unbuttoning the top button of my blouse. I even placed my hand on his lap but he moved so I took it off.  After 4 months of flirting with me he's only touched me once. The only real thing he's done is when I was reading "Potions For Beginners'' A small section of my hair fell into my face and I was about to move it but he tucked the strand behind my ear tracing the side of my face with his fingers. That's the only time he has ever touched me... At least on purpose. Me and Luna were in Hogsmeade hanging out last Saturday and I bumped into him when I wasn't looking where I was going. I fell like a ton of bricks and he didn't move at all. He gave his bag to Vincent (or Greggory I can't really tell the difference) and put a hand out to help me up. The snow had just melted so I was all wet. He brushed something off my shoulder, took back his bag and then walked away. Like what?. Call me gorgeous in private but don't even speak to me in public. And what's worse than him ignoring me but he's been extra flirty with Hermione. I mean they hate each other don't get me wrong but the sexual tension... wow.

I guess when I was hanging out with the Slytherins Luna had to find other people to hang out with so she's gotten really close with Ginny again. I don't blame her but I am jealous. So I've started hanging out with both of them. At first I wasn't sure because the only time id really spoken to Ginny was on my first day here but I've begun to warm up to her.

March 28th, 1994,

Dear Diary, I spoke to Max today in transfigurations. I've seen him around and always thought he was attractive but I'd never said anything to him until today. When he opened his mouth he became even hotter than I thought before. His voice is so soothing and his is blond hair and pale blue eyes stand out. Come to think of it he looks a lot like Malfo--. No, I need to stop thinking about him. Is he ashamed of me?. He must be ashamed of me?. I waved at him during breakfast yesterday and he just raised an eyebrow then looked away.

March 30th, 1994,

Dear Diary, me , Luna and Pans were hanging out in the Slytherin common room last night and we were having a fun girls night. That was until Theo, Blaise, Luca and Malfoy came stumbling in absolutely leathered. They were on their way back from a bender singing some chivvy rap song

Then pansy asked if they had been doing karaoke as somewhat of a sarcastic joke, Then Theo's eyes practically shot out to his head. He began screaming 


At the top of his lungs. Luna put a silenio charm on the room and before we knew it we were all taking part.

Me, Pansy and Luna sang girls just wanna have fun and superstitions by Cyndi Lauper and Stevie wonder.

Theo and Blaise sang dancing queens and living on a prayer by ABBA and Bon Jovi

Then Malfoy and Luca sang a very poorly portrayed version of I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney Huston.

And finally we ended the night by all singing the time of my life from Bill Medley. We only sang muggle songs because they are just better. Even Malfoy seems to agree and that's really hard for him. 

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