24 Letters

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I walked over to the paper, picked it up and began to read out loud.

"Dear reader, My name is Regulus Arcturus Black and if you are reading this, it means my greatest fear has come true, my plans failed. Today is the sixth of August 1979 and I am 18 years of age. Abraxas Malfoy is one of the highest-ranking death eaters at this time, he and his only son Lucius for now consider me an ally. I inhabited this manner for a short time but I feel as if I should leave my mark, just in case what I fear really has become true. Abraxas is getting old and when he soon passes everything will be left to Lucius, the heir to the Malfoy fortune. I have no doubt that if Voldemort triumphs this will continue to be a place of sanctuary but all it takes is a wrinkle. If you are here you are the wrinkle, the wrinkle in his perfect plan, Therefore just in case, I leave my life's work.

The door to this room is charmed, only someone who took the mark to save the life of another but had no desire to take it for himself is permitted entry. I took the mark so my brother wouldn't have to. This room is where I would hide in the dead of night and plot The Dark Lords' downfall. I have left you all my research and all information I think can be useful, use it well.

I have not just been a death eater since the age of 16, in reality what I have been is much worse. I have been a traitor. No doubt you have heard of my family's possession in this war but little do they know it could end because of me. Professor Albus Dumbledore at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry informed me of a form of magic so terrible I hadn't thought it be possible. But when a wizard takes a life in the form of murder it splits his soul, his soul can then be placed into an object and until sed object is destroyed the wizard can be deemed as immortal. Such magic exists, and it is called a Horcrux. 

I have figured out where the first one is and I am leaving tomorrow. At this time I do not know how many Horcruxes there are, but the Malfoys are not blameless and if common sense has any say, a Horcrux is closer than expected. Most likely an object of historical significance yet is out of place. I am sorry but this is as far as my help can take you. I must go.

If you are reading this, it means I am dead, which is an outcome I know is a possibility, I hope you do not endure the fate I possibly will. As they say "Anything for the cause" 

R, A, B"

"Draco do you know who this is?" I asked in complete awe

"I thought it was a myth," He said and took the letter from my hand and gave it a once over 

"Not only Regulus but the Horcrux itself, Snape mentioned it once but said it was too dangerous and never elaborated. I scanned the library for weeks but every page containing any information on them was tourn out"

Holy Merlin. This is what he's been up to. This is why he didn't die during the first war. It's safe to assume Regulus never found the locket, hopefully there is only one Horcrux. 

"Draco," I said again and plucked the note from his fingertips

"You've heard of a Regulus before?" I asked a little louder this time 

"He's my cousin," He said in a cold tone. My jaw was on the floor, Regulus was Draco's cousin, the person who was plotting The Dark Lord's downfall right under his nose was Draco's cousin!. I can't wrap my head around it!. 

"My second cousin I think, but he was ostracised, now I know why," Draco said sounding serious 

I folded the note and began looking around the room some more but my mark started burning, I looked at Draco and he was fine... The Dark Lord wanted me. 

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