17 Euphoria

40 1 14

February 23, 1996

George said that he has been to see "Poppy" for cuts and whatnot so many times that he could have a job at mungos. He took me back to his dorm and sat me on the bed and disappeared for a minute. He came back from around the corner with a little shoebox, inside was his own personal medical kit, potions and wrappings and pills filled up the box. He disinfected my hand, wrapped it up snug with a bandage then gave me something for the pain. 

"If I used magic it would leave a scar, this way takes longer but it's worth it"

"How do you know how to do this?"

"Oh, you know?, boys will be boys. Me and Fred have a habit of getting into things we shouldn't but Poppy always-"

"Whos poppy?"

"Oh Madame Pompfry,  me and Pops are on a first-name basis now Firecracker"

"Pops?" I asked laughing

I can't remember the rest of that conversation but I remember waking up the next morning in Georges Scarlette quidditch jersey with its gleaming golden embroidered seven in the middle. I looked around to see that Fred was in his bed next to mine with his back turned to us. 

I noticed Georges's body Is very different to Malfoys. George is covered in freckles and little scars, he has a lot more colour to him. He is also a lot more muscular. I hate admitting this to myself but I feel like the only reason I said yes to George was because I know it will hurt Ron, it will really hurt Ron. Am I being dramatic?, That surely can't be the only reason. 

I went back to my dorm to shower, where I saw Luna reading on her bed. I feel like I've not spoken to her in months. Now that she's with Blaise and... well I'm just being a terrible friend, we haven't spent any time together. I was planning on catching up after my shower but when I got back she was gone. In the shower, I made sure to wash my hair with my strawberry shampoo and conditioner then used a quick  "Calidum Aedem" (Hair drying charm) and went back to find George.

March 4th, 1996,

DEAR DIARY, I GOT A LETTER FROM MADAME HOOCH! I MADE THE TEAM!. I can't believe it!, I'm so so happy, I've wanted this for 2 years. But I know that I shouldn't have opened the letter alone... I should have opened it with Ced by my side, He would have been thrilled, he would have picked me up and spun me around and said something like "I'm so proud of you minnow, I knew you could do it!". But he isn't here to do any of those things. Oh I wish he was here.

March 10th, 1996,

Dear, Diary, I had my first quidditch game today as a chaser!, It was agenst Gryffindore. I was in the changing room with my back to the door when an arm grabbed me by the waist and yanked me outside. I felt a hard kiss pressed onto my lips and I knew it was George.

"Good luck Firecracker," He said after breaking the kiss

God I underestimated how gorgeous he looks in his uniform.

I gave him a final peck before walking back into the tent before I felt something hard hit my ass.

He smacked my ass! with his beaters bat!

"Watch it, Weasley," I said turning around and stepping up to him all cockily and shaking my index finger forward and back.

But then he wrapped his hand around my throat and pushed my back onto a wall!

"Just because your my girlfriend doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you," He said looking down at me with his leather glove still wrapped around my neck

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