8 The fight

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April 15th, 1994

Dear Diary, the morning after the party I wanted to confront Malfoy and ask why he was being such an ass but I couldn't find him. I made eye contact with him but he quickly broke it and looked repulsed by the action, I couldn't just go up to him and confront him in front of everyone but I knew I had a tutoring session with him on Thursday so I stopped looking and just decided to wait till then. Thursday rolls around (yesterday) and this is how it went. 

We were in the empty potions classroom. He hadnt said a word to me, just handed me some worksheets, and was doing his own thing sitting on the opposite side of the desk facing me. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked

"Shh I'm busy," He said not looking up from his book,

"let me rephrase that Malfoy, I want to talk," I said a little bit louder. 

"Not now Fawley" 

"When?, the only time I get anything out of you Is when your drunk," I said leaning closer to him

"I said not now!" He shouted thinking it would make me stop.

"Oh come on Malfoy, you think you can act like an asshole, then give me dirty looks all week and I'm not gonna say anything?"

"All bark and no bite I see" I added testingly. 

 Malfoy stood up, kicked his stool back, and slammed his hands on the desk

"You wanna know why I have been acting like such an "Asshole". I have had it up to here with you!. When are you going to open your eyes?!" He shouted at me

I was taken aback by how mad he was, I'd never seen him like this, I stood up. 

"I- I don't understand, what did I do to you?. " I asked

"Nothing that's the point!, I had to find out that the girl I fancied WAS SHAGGING A WEASLEY!"

He took a deep breath, then let his head fall but only for a second and lifted it up again and continued but calmer this time. 

"And my best friend... Right under my nose, at the same fucking time!" He finished with a laugh

I had no idea what to do but stand there but my mouth slightly opened starring at his red face with a blank expression

"But it's just a matter of time right?, Merlin the way you go through guys I'm sure ill have my time eventually" 

Before I knew it I heard a noise echoing off of the stone walls of the potions classroom. It was the noise of a slap. I saw Malfoys head tilted to the right and a fresh handprint stained the side of his cheek. Before he could say anything I said with tears beginning to well in my eyes

"You have absolutely no right to speak to me the way you have been, and definitely no right to have an opinion on my sexual partners, no matter how many or how little. You disgust me."

I grabbed my bag off the table and as I walked through the threshold of the doorway I said 

"And keep dreaming, I would never do that with you, especially after the way you have treated me?.. Some people actually have standards"

And with that, I slammed the door behind me.

May 4th, 1994,

Dear diary, it has been 3 weeks since I've spoken to Malfoy, I've skipped all our tutoring sessions and skipped potions for the last 2 weeks. I saw snape and he asked me why I was skipping his classes, I told him it was due to "Lady issues" I've never seen a face go so white. He just went "Uhh, umm, my apologies, miss Fawley... Wmm as you were" Then walked off. I love being a woman. 

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