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Hello Lovers, I'm sorry but it had to be done. This story has been one of the biggest parts of my life for almost three years. I've been to three schools and lived in two different countries, and the only constant I had in my life was her. I grew up with her, I understood her and in some aspects I am her. I hope you saw some things in her that you could also see in yourself, good or bad. 

I wanted to thank you for spending the time to read my story, the comments mean so much to me and I love reading how your feeling. 

There are two additional pieces of information I wanted to pass on before I switch this story to complete and it is left to the reader's devices. 

Firstly, something random. 

I used a TikTok AI filter a few months ago when I was feeling very unsure and quite lost in life. For no reason at all I asked it to describe "Mine and Draco's love story"  

Here is what the AI Pictured. 

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Personally, I almost fell off my bed. The Lucifer and Eve metaphor was already in place and I took it as a sign. So after months of writing nothing, I started back up with lots of help from my friends and that is why this story is complete today.

Tell me what you see.

The second thing I would like to say is that I am writing a sequel. Don't get your hopes up its not about Pandora Malfoy, but it is involving Pandora Lovegood. The story is called "History repeats itself" and it is about the acts before, during and after the first wizarding war including why Regulus left you that letter. If you are interested in giving that a read, feel free. But if not ,our journey ends here.

Thank you lovers.

MrsMalfoy1990 signing off. 

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