Epilogue 3

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Draco went back to the house holding our daughter in her car seat. He called the department of magical law at the ministry and resigned. 

Our funeral was beautiful. Not a single person wore black, everyone showed up in lovely pastels. The ceremony was small, not many people believed I was a spy but I suppose that doesn't matter to me anymore. 

We were cremated but there was an oak tree planted in our memory just behind the bench Draco and I sat at and discussed our future overlooking the frozen lake. The bench was fitted with a plaque 

In loving memory of my wife. You gave me everything I could have ever hoped for. Love, and most importantly something to fight for. 

18/11/1998 - 16/03/2006

In remembrance of our daughter, taken before her first breath, she was too good for the world she was born into.


Y/N and Blanch Fawley Malfoy. Your spirit lives on through everyone you've ever met, spoken to and inspired. You will live through us until the day we are reunited once more. 

Draco never once let go of our daughter, he didn't speak to a soul and didn't have the heart to read a speech however undoubtedly beautiful it would have been. 

Everyone gathered around the tree and a few had prepared speeches, Luna, Max and Theo. I didn't expect George to show up but he did, alongside Hermione. They paid their respects from the back of the small crowd. As each person took their leave they conjured two white roses each and laid them on the bench. 

We were cremated. He turned a small amount of my ashes into a wring for himself. He said it was so he could hold me forever. He did the same with Blanch. Blanch Rosana, translated to white rose... 

Three months went by and he still hasn't gone into our bedroom, not even for his clothes. That was until today. 

He talks to himself sometimes, he said that the sheets still smell like me. He went to my bedside table looking for my necklace, he wanted to keep all of my jewellery together in one place. He opened his hand and there gleamed my wedding ring, the rose. He wanted to make sure he could display them but he found something else instead my letter... I wrote it one night while he slept, just in case. 

His hands shook as he picked it up, he didn't read it for hours, he just sat there and stared. It was the first time I looked at him and couldn't tell what he was thinking. At four o'clock in the morning, he opened the envelope with shaking hands, and when his eyes landed on my handwriting his eyes flooded with tears. 

My love, my moon, my dragon, the end to my red string.

Draco. I can't regret my decision, you are going to be an amazing father, you are going to be the dad you never had. I heard you when you said I was being selfish but these babies are the most selfless thing I could have done. 

 Max and Theo will never leave your side and undoubtedly Blaise and Luna won't either. Milo will be their big brother but you, you will be their everything, just like you were mine.

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