2 A Series Of Unfortunate Events

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September 4th, 1993,

Dear diary I had my first day of real classes today. My first class was divination with Professor Trelawney. She's crazy but I am really interested in divination so I was very invested. I was sitting on a table in the second row with the Patil twins and lavender brown who were all Gryffindors. In fact, I am the only Ravenclaw in the class. Today we read tea leaves. I saw an upside-down u shape which means together, Two worm like things on top of each other which means travel, and a bullseye which means a new start. That's scarily accurate. I was reading deeply into what my tea leaves meant but I heard Harry Potter ask what the grim is. So I read out the exact definition from the book. 

"The grim, taken form of a giant spectral dog it is among the darkest omens in our world, it's an omen of death". 

Harry and his friends looked mortified and so after class I went to ask him if he was feeling okay. As we walked to our next class which was Care for Magical Creatures, His friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were with Harry so I joined their group. I told Ron know his sister and all he had to say was.

"I'm sorry"

Then he hurried along with Hermione to a hut just off the campus. Me and Harry walked slower though and I asked him about what happened on the train. He said something called a dementor was checking the train for a murderer named Sirius Black but the new defence against the dark arts teacher professor Lupin scared it off. That must have been the bright light. Harry looked very pleased when he saw the teacher who was probably three times taller than me! come out of his hut. His name is Hagrid and he led us along a path into the forest. The rain stopped yesterday and the sun was blazing hot. We got to a break in the trees and we ended up in a cleared-out patch of land that was completely shaded by trees. Hagrid told us to open our books to page 339 (Oh and our books are literally monsters might I add!!!!). One boy was nearly eaten by his book and a blond boy who sounded very snarky gave Hagrid some attitude but he got what he deserved, just you wait, it's really hilarious. 

I was still standing with Harry and we caught up to Hermione and Ron. We were standing in the front middle section of the group and Hermione started telling us about the class but the same boy who was mouthing off started talking about Hagrid badly and something about telling his daddy about this. How pathetic. Harry said 

"Shut up Malfoy" (His name apparently)

 And his goons laughed. There was practically a standoff and everyone began crowding around them. Malfoy pretended there was a dementor behind Harry and it really scared him. I thought it was funny, so I laughed, Hermione gave me a scowl, Ron looked like he was going to have a heart attack! and Malfoy gave me a look up and down with a cheeky smirk. "ha you wish" I thought to myself. 

Hagrid brought out a ginormous animal that looked like a horse crossed with an eagle, he said it was called a Hippogriff and its name was Buckbeak. Apparently, they are proud but very easily offended. Harry attempted to ride Buckbeak and startled it but I wasn't really paying attention to that, I was paying attention to how Hermione grabbed Ron twice!!. Once on the shoulder and once on the hand!. A possible budding romance ?. I think so. Anyway, I looked up and Harry and the hippogriff were both gone. I walked to the back of the group to get my water bottle from my bag and when I bent over Malfoy was clearly looking at my ass. And when I stood up he was looking at my boobs!!!. The audacity. So I told him that. 

"My eyes are up here," I said calling him out

And this little rodent had the audacity to say 

"I'm not too interested in your eyes sweetheart" 

Then he and his goons laughed again, so I replied with

 "Oh so you're interested then are you?" In a tone dripping with sarcasm.

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