25 The Love

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"Yes, Gabriel is my cousin, second I think," Draco said matterafactly. 

"So Max is your cousin too?" I asked dumfounded.

"Yes, that's usually how it works with twins" He replied laughing

"You know about my family and its twin gene Y/N, how did you not catch on?" He asked

"I didn't know he was a twin!" I barked back.

"Well, you've met his dad haven't you?" He asked but I see no way this was relevant 

"Yeah years ago" I replied

"No, he got back from his mission in Brazil just a few days ago"

"His dad is a death eater!" I shouted

"All the Rosiers are death eaters!" He shouted not finding it as funny anymore. 

"Draco your gonna need to slow it down, I need a better explanation. Tell me everything" I asked sounding desperate. 

He kicked off his boots and sat on the bed with me.

"Max and Gabe are a year older than us. Both attended Hogwarts before you arrived. Gabriel is exactly like his father. He believes in blood purity and status overall" 

"So like you" I teased interrupting him

"Watch it or ill stop" He threatened.

"Fine, sorry"

He shook his head but I saw a little smile curl the ends of his mouth for a split second. 

"Gabe and Max never got along, I remember many family parties where one would be thrown down the stairs or leviosa'd onto the roof.  They apparently had so many fights in lessons that Ravenclaw's and Slytherin's weren't allowed to have joint classes and so all the schedules had to be changed. I also heard the tables in the Great Hall were ranked from best to worst. Slytherin first obviously, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff then Gryffindor, but the boys would start food wars from one table to the other table and every meal for months leaving half of the Mudbloods and the Rosier boys in the hospital wing. Max wanted to protect the Mudbloods and Gabrial couldn't stand them. So after first year Gabriell left Hogwarts and continued his education at Durmstrang where only pureblood men were allowed. There he didn't learn potions and herbology, he learned physical combat and frightening offensive magic. Max was held down a year because he didn't learn anything due to the distraction. Gabriel became a death eater at age 15 and has been a mole to his father and mine for years however he took the mark on his 18th birthday"

"The day Max vanished," I thought

 "After Gabe left Max was cut off by his father, his mother is nowhere to be found and now the same applies to him" 

This was too much information to handle all at once. 

"Where is Gabriel now?" I asked

"Here and there, but I know that's not what you want to ask me. I saw the friendship you had with Max, I never understood it but you loved him didn't you?" He said

"I still do"

"You can't go looking for him once I tell you this Y/N, give me your word," He asked me warningly.

"I give you my word Draco"

"Max is in England. I say within 100 miles off The Manors perimeter, he won't let Gabe out of his sight"

"You've seen him?" I asked excitedly and stood up from to bed to get a better look at Draco. 

"Once... I was in Swindon, just 20 miles from here. I went into a cafe, something "Mabel".  When I walked in there I swear there were 11 people. A group of three, three groups of two, and someone sitting alone at the bar. I picked something up from a back room, I swear I was only in there for one minute. When I came out and there were 10 people, not odd, the person at the bar had left, when I walked past I noticed their drink, it was a black coffee, full to the brim and piping hot, but that's not all. They dropped this. 

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